A New Life for the Old

A New Life for the Old

Nov 19, 2023

Passage: Ephesians 4:17-24

Preacher: Bill Massey

Series: God's New Community

Category: Sunday Morning


Sermon Intro:

Out of his great concern for our souls, Paul marks out the path of life and fulness for us--the way of righteousness and holiness. How many, even of those who profess faith in Christ, believe that a life of holiness must inevitably lead to settling for less happiness than can be gained by going our own way! But that is the unbelieving mind’s misunderstanding and the way of futility. God’s way ultimately leads to the knowledge of His love which surpasses understanding and is better than life itself. To help us grasp this truth, Paul contrasts two ways of living in this passage:

  1. The Way of Futility
  2. The Way of Fulness
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