Please visit our church calendar page to view upcoming church-wide events. Specific men's events will be listed here as they are scheduled.



Each Wednesday in June and July – except July 3, we will gather to watch a video from Forge Ministries (a PCA Men’s Ministry located in Orlando Florida.) After watching the video we will break up into small groups to discuss the content and how to apply it to our lives. Men, please plan to join us when you can on Wednesday nights throughout the summer. “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” For more information, contact Jay Fowler at 423-309-4255.

Join us for this Men's Bible study as we look verse by verse at the book of Ecclesiastes. Our reading and discussion seek to uncover the foundation of wisdom, mark out the paths that make us wise, and point us to the ultimate source of all true wisdom and understanding, Jesus Christ. Meets in Room 105.





Recognizing the necessity of God’s grace in his life and the insufficiency of his own efforts, a man at CPC will strive to:

  1. Worship God in a pleasing manner
  2. Pray for the work of the church and its members
  3. Study God’s word actively
  4. Confront his sin intentionally and openly seek forgiveness and reconciliation
  5. Handle his finances in a Godly manner
  6. Be sexually pure in thought, talk, and deed
  7. Minister to and serve others, both inside and outside the body
  8. Make Christ the center of his household in his relationships with his family
  9. Fellowship frequently with other men in the church
  10. Hold other men accountable for these actions
  11. Pull in/evangelize to those outside the body of Christ



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