Please visit our church calendar page to view upcoming events. Specific youth events will be listed here as they are scheduled.
We hope you will join us for a fun night!! Pizza and popcorn are provided.
The Edge Conference for Middle School students, who have completed grades 6th, 7th, or 8th, is June 16-20. Registration is now open. The final payment and consent form will be due on April 27. For more information, please visit the Edge Conference website.
The High School Beach Trip is for students who are currently in grades 9-12. Registration is now open. The final payment and consent form will be due by May 4. Please contact Heather Morrison if you have questions or need additional information.
MIDDLE SCHOOL (Grades 6-8)
- Middle School Girls
- Sunday School: The middle school girls are going through the Desiring God Study, Truth78 - Fight the Good Fight.
- Midweek: After a short series on Evangelism with Henry Krabbendam, Travis Hutchinson will lead a study on Apologetics.
- Middle School Boys
- Sunday School: The middle school boys are going through the Desiring God Study, Truth78 - Fight the Good Fight.
- Midweek:After a short series on Evangelism with Henry Krabbendam, Travis Hutchinson will lead a study on Apologetics.
HIGH SCHOOL (Grades 9-12)
- Sunday School: In keeping with the thought that our high school students are transitioning from adolescence to adulthood, Sunday School’s purpose is to challenge them with the study of Scripture and its application. We are studying the Gospel of John - "Carrying the Message".
- Youth Midweek: After a short series on Evangelism with Henry Krabbendam, Travis Hutchinson will lead a study on Apologetics. .
- Tuesdays, 10 - 11:30 am - Room 120 - Our years at home with our teens are short, exciting, and hard. Parenting teens requires us to rely on God for His strength, guidance, and grace. Parents need each other. We invited you to join Tracy Horton and other moms of teens for a time of study and encouragement. Email if you have any questions.
The Student Ministry of Covenant Presbyterian Church exists to show students the Gospel of Jesus Christ,
to shepherd them in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to equip them to share in the Gospel life and mission of Christ's Church.
The basic methodology of our Student Ministry is discipleship that centers on:
- Teaching that shows Christ, leads to a deeper relationship with Christ and his Word.
- Intergenerational shepherding that disciples our students toward growth in Christ.
- Opportunities for students to share in the life and mission of the church.
Opportunities in our Student Ministry seek to "put feet" on our methodology through:
Sunday School: an emphasis on showing students Christ through Scriptural and Doctrinal teaching, with a benchmark of deeper understanding and knowledge. For middle school students, we aim for an understanding of Scripture as one unified story and a basic grasp of doctrine. For high school students, we aim for fluency with Scripture and Doctrine.
Midweek: an emphasis on shepherding through Intergenerational Discipleship, with a benchmark of deeper relationships with mentors and peers. For middle and high school students, we aim for deeper integration of the Gospel in a student’s life through this discipleship.
Corporate Worship: an emphasis on sharing in the life of the larger Body of Christ, with a benchmark of faithful attendance and engagement in worship. For middle school students, we aim for a growing grasp of the elements of worship. For high school students, we aim for thoughtful engagement and participation in corporate worship.
Special Events: an emphasis on students sharing their faith, practicing hospitality, and serving others, with a benchmark of students proclaiming the Gospel in word and deed. For middle school students, we aim to see increasing evangelism and invitation of friends to church events. For high school students, we aim to see practices of hospitality and increasing participation in outreach ministries of the church.
Please contact Travis Hutchinson or Heather Morrison for more information about the Youth Ministry.