Clarke and Khrystya ***

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Clarke and Khrystya worked for over 12 years in a Presbyterian church plant in Lviv, which is in western Ukraine. Khrystya herself is Ukrainian.


Serving under MTW, they are presently here in the USA where Clarke is finishing a Master’s degree in Counseling at Covenant Seminary. Their exact plan to return to Ukraine has been made uncertain by the Russian attack. They were able to spend time in Poland in 2022 ministering to the large number of refugees who were displaced because of fighting in Ukraine. Regardless of the war’s outcome, Clarke and Khrystya, with their children, hope to return to Ukraine and use counseling skills to minister to those traumatized by the conflict.

"Despite the grave challenges Ukraine now faces in its darkest hour, we remain convinced that the greatest hope for Ukraine (as for Russia and the entire world) is in the spread of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and the growth of His Church. May our Lord’s faithful work to build his church throughout Ukraine continue even in the face of war."

Prayer Requests:

  • For connections to be made with students in an English camp this summer
  • For Holy Spirit to soften hearts and prepare folks to listen and respond to the Gospel
  • For protection and strength for Christians in Ukraine
  • For Clarke & Khrystya - their marriage and parenting three children



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