Nolton and Kate Beale
Serving with:
Isaiah 55 Ministries, Reynosa, Mexico
NoNo (Nolton) grew up in Montgomery, Alabama, and committed his life to Christ at an early age. Kate grew up in a military family which eventually settled in Montgomery during her high school years. Kate committed her life to Christ in her senior year of high school. After attending Auburn University, Kate and NoNo married. NoNo started his own construction company and Kate worked as a social worker. They have two grown children: a daughter, Sadler, and a son, Bibb. They were called to the mission field in 1999.
Kate and Nono served as missionaries to the Deaf in Rio Bravo, Mexico for five years. They then began working with Isaiah 55 Ministries in Reynosa, Mexico. NoNo is the director for I-55 Ministries whose primary focus is working among the Deaf and marginalized to make disciples, encourage the worship of Jesus, and promote justice and reconciliation. They each work closely with schools for the Deaf. Their previous work experience has contributed greatly to their current ministries. Nono works with students teaching them vocational skills (welding, construction, etc.). Kate and Nono work closely with the school staff, students, and parents by sharing the Gospel, mentoring, and discipling. They also offer ESL classes, Vacation Bible School, sports clinics, and medical assistance.
Prayer Requests:
- For many volunteers to help in short-term mission opportunities
- For safety, especially since Reynosa is considered to be a dangerous area
- For more finances to continue to expand the ministries of the school for the Deaf
- That many deaf people in Mexico would learn the Gospel through sign language and come to know Christ
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