Trinity Church

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Trinity Church in Aberdeen Scotland is another of our newly supported ministries. Last year, CPC sent Pastor Jones to the UK to participate in the UK Partnership – a coalition of UK and US churches working together to promote church planting in the UK. Upon his return, Pastor John recommended we partner with Trinity Church, which has become a center for training UK church planters. Trinity is remodeling a historic church building in the center of the city and we have agreed to help support their pastor, David Gibson, for two years so that his salary can be used for work on the building.

Trinity Church


Prayer Requests :

  • To be able to integrate the different age groups together - for hospitality lunches to help foster community
  • Wisdom for the Session in handling pastoral matters and discussing how best to shepherd the flock
  • Building project - at a key point of getting the go-ahead, finding funds
  • Praise for many new people recently, mostly students - we’ve had 22 new members this year


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