Jesus and the Sinful Woman

Jesus and the Sinful Woman

Jun 02, 2024

Passage: Luke 7:36-50

Preacher: Bill Massey

Series: Meetings with Jesus

Category: Sunday Morning


Sermon Intro: In the various meetings between Jesus and others, we ordinarily see two contrasting kinds of people--those who know Jesus and those who don’t. There are those who are convicted by a sense of their sin and His greatness and mercy, and those who aren’t. There are also those who are deeply drawn to Jesus, love Him, and sacrifice their best to follow Him. And then there are those who are curious about Jesus, perhaps respectful of Him, and want to find out more but are also holding Him out at arm’s length. They are still non-committal and withholding their judgment about Jesus. It’s these latter two categories of people that we see here—the devoted and the cooly, as yet, non-committal. And the sinful woman’s love for Jesus is striking! It’s so extravagant that it takes your breath away! It makes you wonder, “What makes a person love Jesus so?”

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