Title: “Praying to Our Sovereign Father”
Text: Ephesians 1.15-19
Intro: Many professing Christians pray like orphans. We may not pray often, but when we do, it often takes the form of begging. In our heart of hearts, we do not believe that our God really loves us. The way Paul prays here is the antidote to our problem. Paul prays not simply to a sovereign God but to a sovereign Father. Paul’s words “for this reason” challenge us to reflect on what he said our Father has done for us in our Savior. He has blessed us in Christ, in the heavenly realms, with every spiritual blessing (1.3). He has chosen in us in Christ before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless (1.4). He has predestined us in love to adoption as sons. And why? Not because of our goodness but to the praise of his glorious grace (1.6)! Paul begins this chapter by pondering these wonderful blessings in his heart but then his praise moves him to prayer. And note, Paul is not begging! Instead, assured of his sovereign Father’s love, he prays confidently for his Father’s purposes for all his children.
- Thanksgiving to God
- Knowledge of God
- Enlightenment from God