Radical Purity

Radical Purity

Sep 08, 2024

Passage: Matthew 5:27-30

Preacher: Bill Massey

Series: Sermon on the Mount

Category: Sunday Morning


Sermon Intro: Many Christians have made a shipwreck of their faith because they never learned how to deal effectively with this kind of temptation. Worse, perhaps, they have been encouraged to see it as irrelevant. Other issues in our world seem far more urgent. What about the threat of terrorism? What about reconciliation between the races? Does it really matter that much what I do with my mind or my body? Surely sexual sin, if it’s really a sin, is only a sin with a small “s.” But Jesus says in the plainest language possible that no person can be His disciple who is unwilling to take up his or her cross daily and put their lusts to death. He calls us to radical purity.

  1. The Curse of Sexual Lust
  2. The Cure for Sexual Lust
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