Walking in the Light

Walking in the Light

Jan 14, 2024

Passage: Ephesians 5:8-14

Preacher: Bill Massey

Series: God's New Community

Category: Sunday Morning


Sermon Intro: The responsibilities of walking as children of light cut across the grain of culture in every age--including our own. In our progress, of putting off the ways of thinking and behaving that belong to our old lives as darkness and putting on those that belong to our new lives as light, we struggle. Don’t we sometimes read the strong imperatives of Scripture and wonder, “Is this realistic? Is this even possible?” Paul dispels the darkness of that old way of thinking by telling us, “Yes, it is practical and realistic because, by God’s grace and power, you are no longer children of darkness you are children of light. Therefore “walk as children of light.”

  1. Express the Light
  2. Expose the Darkness
  3. Enjoy the Light
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