Isaiah 55 / Isaiah 55
Sunday School page
The 2025 Spring Sunday School semester will have 15 weeks from January 12 to May 11. Please get in touch with the church office if you have any additional questions not covered in the list of classes.
- NEWBORN TO 24 MONTHS: Led by Bekah Gernhard | Nursery - Room 110
- The nursery, located on the main floor at the end of the lobby hall, offers a safe and playful place for our precious children. Monitored by both CPC member volunteers and paid, CPR and first aid trained workers, the nursery is secured by an electronic check-in system and single entrance/exit.
- 2 & 3 YEAR-OLDS: Led by Millie Sanders, Lauren Warren, and Babs Leach | Nursery - Room 110
- Children learn stories and truths from God’s Word, sing songs, color pictures, and enjoy games and activities related to the Bible lesson. They also eat a snack and play outside in an enclosed courtyard. Our children’s curriculum is published by Great Commission Publications.
- 4 YEAR-OLDS TO GRADE 5: Led by Volunteer Teachers | Rooms 220-228
- Children learn stories and truths from God’s Word. They may participate in singing, discussions, crafts, and activities related to the Bible lesson. Fifth graders learn to dig into the Scriptures for themselves in a Bible Survey course. All children have snacks. Our children’s curriculum is published by Great Commission Publications.
4-Year-Old and Kindergarten Class - Led by Jon Arbuckle, Esther McEachern, and Sarah Wade
1st Grade Class - Led by Anna Yonkofski and Sue Kemp
2nd Grade Class - Led by Jason Collins and Bonnie Folkening
3rd Grade Class - Led by Jean Marshall and Maggie Wade
4th Grade Class - Led by Eva Herberich, Carla Stevenson, and Anna Yonkofski
5th Grade Class - Led by Woody and Sharon Brauer
- Children learn stories and truths from God’s Word. They may participate in singing, discussions, crafts, and activities related to the Bible lesson. Fifth graders learn to dig into the Scriptures for themselves in a Bible Survey course. All children have snacks. Our children’s curriculum is published by Great Commission Publications.
- MIDDLE SCHOOL BOYS: Led by Thomas Blackburn, Mark Stevenson, and Neal Doran | Room 206
- Lessons are taken from Truth:78 studies, equipping the next generations to know, honor, and treasure God.
- Lessons are taken from Truth:78 studies, equipping the next generations to know, honor, and treasure God.
- MIDDLE SCHOOL GIRLS: Led by Emily Calloway | Room 204
- Lessons are taken from Truth:78 studies, equipping the next generations to know, honor, and treasure God.
- HIGH SCHOOL: Led by Travis Hutchinson, Heather Morrison, Justin Martin, and Diane Lazor | Room 200
- WHAT IS PRESBYTERIAN?: Led by Interim Senior Pastor Bill Massey | Room 120
- Our What Is Presbyterian? class is an ongoing class designed for those who wish to learn more about Covenant. This class addresses our distinctive life, doctrine, and worship as a conservative, Presbyterian, and Reformed church. Taught by our Interim Senior Pastor, this class is a temporary class before finding your long-term Sunday school class.
- Thinking about becoming a member? Be sure to visit our Membership Information page.
- COLLEGE/CAREER CLASS: Led by Tim & Bonnie Schoap | Room 208
- Study: Lessons from Ezra and Nehemiah. These two often overlooked Old Testament books offer rich lessons in God's faithfulness to his people, the value of biblical leadership, and the power of commitment to rebuilding and restoration.
- LADIES CLASS: Led by Judy Foster, Christine Morrison, and Lois Crenshaw | Room 119
- Study: Nahum, the seventh book of the Minor Prophets. Nahum’s singular focus on the impending judgment of Nineveh offers a continuation of the story that began in Jonah. Nahum reminded the people of Judah: God’s justice is always right and always sure. This is a ladies-only class.
- THE LIFE OF JOSEPH: Hosted by Jon Harris | Rooms 121-122
- This class is studying the historical account of Joseph in the closing chapters of Genesis which is part of your family history. It plays a vital link in the unfolding of our Lord’s redemptive purposes for the true Israel of God. And intriguingly, Joseph’s brother, Judah, assumes a role that prefigures his descendant, Jesus. Taught by Dr. Render Caines. This is a mixed adult class that is open to everyone.
- THE LIFE OF MOSES: Led by Ken Henry | Room 100 (Schum Fellowship Hall)
- This class will study the life of Moses as well as selected passages throughout the Pentateuch. Additionally, we will discuss the culture of ancient Egypt and the impact of Moses on our understanding of Christ and the New Testament. This is a mixed adult class that is open to everyone.
- THE CHURCH IN AMERICA: Led by Dee Hobbs, Bill Higgins, and Dan Steere | Room 150 (Choir Room)
- This class explores the story of the church in America, beginning with the colonial period and progressing through the beginnings of CPC. This is a mixed adult class that is open to everyone.
- ROMANS: Led by Dr. Lamar Allen | Room105 (Frederick Room)
This Epistle to the Romans has profoundly affected those who read it. Many have been converted by its message including Augustine, Martin Luther, and John Wesley. Martin Luther wrote, “This Epistle to the Romans is the true masterpiece of the New Testament and the very purest Gospel, and is worthy not only that every Christian should know it word for word, by heart, but occupy himself with it every day, as the daily bread of the soul." Class recordings and outlines are available below. This is a mixed adult class that is open to everyone.
Midweek page
The 2025 Spring Midweek semester will have 15 weeks from January 15 to May 14. There will be two breaks: February 26 for our Missions Awareness Week guest speakers and April 16 for Passion Week. We hope you will take the opportunity to join one of our class offerings for this Fall Midweek semester. Don't hesitate to get in touch with the church office if you have any additional questions not covered in the list of classes. The image below gives a visual overview of our Midweek schedule.
- 5:30 - 6:30 pm
- Midweek Meal | Room 100 (Fellowship Hall)
- Join us for a fellowship meal each Wednesday evening in the Fellowship Hall. View the current and upcoming menus on this page in the right margin.
- Join us for a fellowship meal each Wednesday evening in the Fellowship Hall. View the current and upcoming menus on this page in the right margin.
- Midweek Meal | Room 100 (Fellowship Hall)
Children's Opportunities
- 6:30 pm
- Nursery | Room 110
- Nursery is available for Birth through two years old each Wednesday evening until 8:00 pm.
- Nursery | Room 110
- 6:30 - 7:00 pm
- Covenant Choristers Children's Choir | Room 220
- Kindergarten through grade five will learn how to sing and read music. The Children’s Choir will occasionally be incorporated into Sunday worship.
- 7:00 - 8:00 pm
- Three & Four-Year-Olds | Room 110
- Three & four-year-olds will play with a variety of age-appropriate toys and games and participate in a short Bible lesson. They may enjoy music, prayer time, Scripture memory, crafts, games, and activities related to Bible lessons.
- Children's Classes | Rooms 221-225
- Kindergarten through grade five will learn about how God intends us to live as full human beings, in our thoughts, emotions, and actions. Kindergarten – grade two students will study stories from scripture that point us to the gospel, and students grades three through five will look at examples of God’s faithfulness in men and women throughout scripture and history. All children will work toward catechism and scripture memorization goals.
- Birth through age 4 will be picked up in Room 110 (Nursery) at 8:00 pm.
- Kindergarten through grade 5 will be picked up in their classrooms at 8:00 pm.
- Three & Four-Year-Olds | Room 110
Youth opportunities
- 6:30 - 6:45 pm
- Youth Worship | Room 200
- We start Wednesday night youth programs with worship. All youth, from grades six through twelve, gather for a time of singing and prayer before breaking out into small groups.
- Youth Worship | Room 200
- *****6:45 - 7:30 pm
- Youth Small Groups | Room 200
- Youth small groups are designed so that students can ask questions and engage in meaningful conversations about how Scripture applies to their lives. It’s a safe environment where students can be known and loved, and where they can pray for and encourage one another toward maturity in Christ. We have separate guys and girls small groups divided by grade level. All groups will be studying Honesty from the SeeJesus study.
- Youth Small Groups | Room 200
- 7:30 - 8:00 pm
- Youth Activities | Room 200 / Front Lawn
- After the small group meetings, the youth will gather for various sports, games, and fellowship time. Friends and visitors are welcome to join us each Wednesday night!!
- After the small group meetings, the youth will gather for various sports, games, and fellowship time. Friends and visitors are welcome to join us each Wednesday night!!
- Youth Activities | Room 200 / Front Lawn
Adult Opportunities
- 6:30 - 7:00 pm
- Bell Choir | Room 126
- Handbells are a surprisingly fun way to make beautiful music for worship. No experience is required.
- Bell Choir | Room 126
- 7 - 8 pm
- C.S. Lewis Discussion Group: Led by Edyne Vatt & Ken Henry | Rooms 122
- Are you a C.S. Lewis fan? Join us for an engaging discussion of Lewis' book God in the Dock and other C.S. Lewis works as time allows.
- Men's Iron Men Study: Facilitated by Scott Barber | Room 208
- Men are invited to join us for a time of prayer and study. We are studying the book How Does God Change Us by Dane Ortlund. We all need change, a change to be more like Jesus. This book offers insights into what kind of change we need to foster and how to get there. Join us at 6:45 pm for a season of prayer followed by a large group discussion facilitated by Scott Barber and others.
- Philippians: Led by Dr. Lamar Allen | Room 105
- Unlike most NT letters, the letter to the Philippians was not written in response to a crisis. Paul wrote to express his appreciation and affection for the Philippian believers whose material support had greatly helped in Paul’s ministry.
- Prayer Group: Led by Doug McEachern | Room 101
- Join us for prayer each week as we intercede for the various needs of our church body and individual members.
- Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal: Led by John Wykoff | Room 150 (Choir Room)
- Sanctuary Choir is a wonderful way to praise God and lead in worship. No audition or experience is required.
- C.S. Lewis Discussion Group: Led by Edyne Vatt & Ken Henry | Rooms 122
A study of the book of Romans by Dr. Lamar Allen.
romans study - by Dr. Lamar Allen |
Romans Lesson 1 Video | Outline |
Romans Lesson 2 Video | Outline |
Romans Lesson 3 Video | Outline |
Romans Lesson 4 Video | Outline |
Romans Lesson 5 Video | Outline |
Romans Lesson 6 Video | Outline |
Romans Lesson 7 Video | Outline |
Romans Lesson 8 Video | Outline |
Romans Lesson 9 Video | Outline |
Romans Lesson 10 Video | Outline |
Romans Lesson 11 Video | Outline |
Connect Page re-work
~ Click Here to sign-up for a Connect Group ~
The Lord Jesus is the Good Shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep (John 10.11-16). At Covenant, our elders seek to serve as under-shepherds, caring for God’s people. Shepherding is about relationships: knowing, caring, and praying for those to whom God has given us. As God brings us into a relationship with Himself, so also, our elder's desire is to build relationships with each member that reflects His faithful love.
To help shepherd the members of our church, the Session has placed every member under the oversight of an elder. Upon joining the church, each member is placed into a shepherding flock. Each flock has an elder who regularly pursues and prays for each of its members. At times these flocks may meet as large groups. If there is an immediate prayer request, struggle, or crisis in your life, please reach out and share it with your shepherding elder or one of our pastors.
A new aspect of our shepherding ministry is CPC’s small group ministry, Connect.
- Purpose: Connect groups function as an extension of shepherding ministry; encouraging growth into spiritual maturity and home fellowship.
- Focus: Connect groups focus on regular, weekly care for participants under the direct supervision of our elder-led Connect leadership. With Connect small groups, the primary shepherding care comes from these weekly meetings.
- Are Shepherding/Connect groups only for members of CPC?
- Shepherding groups: each church member is automatically assigned to a group. If you are a regular attendee and would like to be assigned a Shepherding group, please contact the church office.
- Connect groups: are for members and regular attenders and are open for anyone to join.
- Can I be in a Shepherding Group and Connect group?
- If you have been a member of a Shepherding Group and chose to join a Connect group, you are transferring your shepherding care affiliation to that Connect group.
- How often and when do Connect groups meet?
- Most Connect groups meet on a weekly basis although some meet every other week. Some groups meet at the church but the majority meet in homes.
- How long am I in a Connect group?
- The purpose of Connect groups is to foster relationships and build connections. To encourage this goal, we ask that group members commit to a year of meeting with their Connect group.
- How do I join a Connect group?
- Fill out the interest form below if you are interested in joining a Connect group.
The RYM Conference for High School students is July 11-16, 2022 at Laguna Beach Christian Retreat Center in Panama City Beach, FL. This year's speaker is Rev. Brian Sorgenfrei and the theme will be "All Things New".
Register online between now and May 24. Register before May 7 to receive the Early Bird discount.
Visit the General Information page to find out more information about the RYM High School Summer conference, including the keynote speaker and other details. You can also check out the sample schedule for an idea of a typical week at RYM.
Pricing for the RYM Conference
- Early bird registration - $375 (early bird discount ends May 6)
- Regular registration - $400 (May 7–24)
- The deadline to register is May 24. $100 NON-REFUNDABLE deposit is due upon registration. If you register by May 6, you will receive an early bird discount ($375). This will confirm your teen’s spot on the trip.
**We will be hosting a church-wide bake sale later in the Spring to raise money from this event to offer scholarships for our summer camps. Please email Ryan Hamilton if you can help with the bake sale.
- Swimming (multiple pools & open ocean), Gaga Ball, Spike Ball, Basketball, Volleyball, Ping Pong, Kan Jam, Sand Soccer, Card Games, Paddle Boarding/Kayaking
RYM RELEASE FORM - Parents, after registering, please fill out the RYM release form. This form is required for all students attending the RYM Conference.
The Edge Conference for Middle School Students (currently in grades 6-8) is June 25-29. Register online between now and April 27. Register before April 4 to receive the Early Bird discount.
Be sure to visit the Edge Conference details page for information about the keynote speaker, worship leader, and other details, and you can visit the Edge F.A.Q. page for more info on sleeping arrangements, what a typical day at camp looks like, etc.
Parents, also please know that Tuesday, June 28 of camp is an activity day where the Edge offers off-campus activities. Although it isn’t confirmed yet, we are hoping to go white water rafting as a group on the Hiwassee River located in the Cherokee National Forest.
EDGE RELEASE FORM - Parents, after registering, please download and fill-out the Edge release form, which will need to be given to Ryan when completed. This form is required for all students attending the Edge Conference.
Essentials Backup
How to Join Page
Our Essentials class is led by our Executive Pastor and meets during the Sunday School hour in the Sanctuary. This class presents an overview of Covenant Presbyterian, as well as the Presbyterian Church in America, and is designed for visitors and those considering membership. Attendance at a majority of a semester's classes is required before meeting with the Elders regarding membership.
SundaySchool Page
- ESSENTIALS: Led by Pastor Jake Bennett | Sanctuary
- Essentials is an ongoing class designed for visitors who wish to learn more about Covenant. This class addresses our distinctive life, doctrine, and worship as a Presbyterian and Reformed church, built upon God's Word. Essentials is taught by our Executive Pastor and repeats every semester. Each Essentials class opens with a sermon discussion and frequently introduces an officer, ministry leader, or staff member.
- Thinking about becoming a member? Be sure to visit our Membership Information page.
Also removed the "Essentials" page from the navigation (under the Sunday School page)
New Here - Sundays
The Essentials class is designed especially for visitors and prospective members. This class is ordinarily taught by our senior pastor as an introduction to Bible, doctrine, and Church History. Essentials is taught during our regular Sunday School time and meets in the Sanctuary at 11:00 a.m.
1. Processional
2. Shadrach
3. Jerusalem Town
4. It Pays to Remember
5. Tra-La
6. Show Us the Dream
7. Nebuchadnezzar's Decree
8. Know When to say "No"
9. It's Cool In the Furnace
10. Nebuchadnezzar's Decree
11. Let the People Praise
Complete CD (All Songs)
Officer Nominations
One of the duties of a church member is to nominate and elect the officers of your church. As a congregation of the PCA, we have two offices which serve two different roles in the life of the church: elder and deacon. The Apostle Paul explains that the desire to seek service as an elder is a noble task. It is also a significant and somber responsibility of service.
Elders jointly have the government and spiritual oversight of the Church, including teaching. The office of deacon is not one of rule but rather of service both to the physical and spiritual needs of the people.
Any male member in good standing can be nominated to serve as an elder or deacon. However, before nominating a member of our congregation to one of these offices, please take a moment to prayerfully consider the biblical qualifications as described in this document.
We also ask that any member who is nominating someone to an office personally ask the nominee and receive their consent prior to submitting their names.
Even as you consider nominating an individual, please specifically pray for these things:
- That the Lord would gift our church with new elders and deacons from among our congregation (Ephesians 4.8-14).
- That the Lord would grant wisdom for the elders and deacons as they consider, examine, and care for men considering these offices (Acts 14.23).
- That the Lord would shepherd and care well for the congregation of Covenant through wise and godly officers (1 Peter 5.2-4).
The Nominating Process
Members who have been nominated to serve as officers will be contacted by the Pastoral Staff. A Nominating Committee, formed from the Session, will walk with these men over the next few months. During this time all nominees will attend officer training led by Pastors Massey and Bennett. In January, nominees will be examined by the Pastoral Staff in areas of Bible, theology, church history, government, and sacraments. Upon demonstrating sufficient understanding and character to serve as an officer, the Nominating Committee will present nominees to the Session and then Congregation for a vote. This congregational meeting will be a called meeting. Every nominee must receive at least a 2/3rds vote of those members present for the meeting.
The Nomination form will be available here from August 23 through September 17. If you have any concerns or questions about submission details please contact the church office.
MIDDLE SCHOOL (Grades 6-8)
- Middle School Girls
- Sunday School: Currently the middle school girls are studying G2R: Bible Survey - 1 Samuel through Esther.
- Midweek: Each Wednesday night youth small groups are studying "The Person of Jesus" from the seeJesus studies.
- Middle School Boys
- Sunday School: Currently the middle school boys are studying G2R: Bible Survey - 1 Samuel through Esther.
- Midweek: Each Wednesday night youth small groups are studying "The Person of Jesus" from the seeJesus studies.
HIGH SCHOOL (Grades 9-12)
- Sunday School: In keeping with the thought that our high school students are transitioning from adolescence to adulthood, Sunday School’s purpose is to challenge them with the study of Scripture and its application. We are currently studying the Gospel of John - "Carrying the Message".
- Youth Midweek: Each Wednesday night our High School students are studying "The Person of Jesus" from the seeJesus studies.