These words of James are perhaps more on minds now than they have been for some time. At first glance, that is a very good thing. James says,
“Come now, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit’ - yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. Instead you ought to say, ‘If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.’”
Of course, these words should always define our attitude. Some of you may be familiar with the Latin expression derived from this verse, Deo volente. This phrase, God willing, would often be used as a salutation at the close of a letter, abbreviated, D.V. - So, “Deo volente”, here are some upcoming plans.
Your elders gathered together last night, virtually, I might add, to consider our upcoming schedule for worship and regular events in the life of our church body. Here are some decisions we made.
Spring Semester Events Cancelled
First, we have decided to cancel all of our regular, fellowship, and discipleship non-worship events for the Spring Semester. These events had already been cancelled through March. This includes Midweek, Sunday school, and all other events in the life of the church. This also includes events for our children, including nursery. Essentially, we are cancelling our Spring Schedule, which extends to April 26. Our Summer Schedule officially begins May 10, and we hope to promote a full calendar of summer events, some of which have been planned for months.
There is one thing to keep in mind. Where we are technologically able, some of our classes for adults and children will be shared through the church website. As teachers, staff, and other ministry leaders desire, our Executive Pastor, Jake Bennett, will serve as a sort of technical liaison to make sure these efforts are communicated with the entire church body. Please pay special attention to our website, Facebook page, and your inbox for continually updated information.
Corporate Worship Suspended Through the Month of April
The elders also made the difficult decision to suspend Sunday morning corporate worship through the month of April. You’ll recall that we initially addressed this subject timidly, only suspending two Sunday services (March 15 and March 22). We are in agreement that God would have our church continue to suspend corporate worship together through the month of April, that is, through April 26.
Here is something to note: the response to COVID-19 is a developing situation. If days or weeks from now, we believe that it would be prudent to come together for worship prior to April 26, even with significant precautions, our staff is prepared. As late as Thursday, we can organize a Sunday morning service; every liturgy for April has already been written. In the past couple of weeks we have dramatically improved our communication options; we believe we can get information to you more quickly than ever before.
One More Thing
Having suspended Sunday morning worship through April 26, what next? On March 15 and March 22, our pastors were able to get information to you to assist the worship services you conducted in your homes. Your pastors believe that we can do even more.
As you can surely imagine, it is quite a sobering occasion to lead the people of King Jesus in corporate worship. This is part of a pastor’s care for your soul, for which he will be accountable before God (Hebrews 13.17). Standing on the chancel, our pastors take very seriously the matter of helping you hear God’s calling to enter His presence, leading you in confessions of sin and need, consecrating you not with natural wisdom, but Spiritual wisdom spoken by the Word of God, and then commissioning you for the week ahead with the divine reminder that His presence is with you, always. Did you recognize these four stages or cycles of worship? Each Sunday at Covenant your pastors guide you through a Call to Worship, Confession of Sin, Consecration, and Commission.
How might a pastor do this not from the chancel of the sanctuary, but from a chair in your own living room? Would it be any different?
This Sunday, March 29, your pastors will be leading you in a Sunday morning liturgy for the home that is similar to our normal liturgy, but slightly different. During this season in which our ordinary worship is suspended, your pastors will be live streaming a service tailored specifically for your home, helping you to worship God on the Lord’s Day, and helping you to lead those gathered with you in your own home. On Sunday, March 29, visit the church website (cpcchatt.org) or our Facebook page (facebook.com/cpcchatt) from 9:30-10:30 a.m. for a service together. Your pastors will greet you, introduce and explain our time together, guide you in worship, and send you into the new week. Stay tuned to the church website for more information.
Pastor John Jones