We want to invite you to consider fasting and prayer as a way to commemorate Good Friday.
As you know, our Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services were suspended. Since this is not unusual among PCA churches, our denomination has reached out to the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC) and the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) to partner together in a day-long time of fasting and prayer on Good Friday.
You can read more about this announcement in the magazine of our denomination, byFaith, and also read the official statement.
First of all, we want to take advantage of an opportunity to partner with a fellowship of congregations during this period of congregational isolation. This is an opportunity to join with historically and doctrinally similar congregations. Locally, the EPC churches in our area include Brainerd Presbyterian Church near us, Resurrection Chattanooga , Valleybrook Presbyterian (in Hixson), Signal Mountain Presbyterian, and Lookout Valley Presbyterian. The ACNA churches are Anglican Church of the Redeemer, but also Mission Chattanooga and Mission Redbank (both a part of The Mission Abbey).
Second of all, fasting is a biblical reality for the Christian walk. Ligon Duncan calls fasting “a Christian’s voluntary abstinence from food and drink for spiritual purposes” and is always “a help to prayer.” John Piper calls fasting a hunger or homesickness for God. We also hear our Lord address the topic of fasting favorably. While it was inappropriate for his disciples to fast while Jesus was present with them (Mt. 9.15 and Mk. 2.19-20). Jesus, however, assumed in the Sermon on the Mount that fasting would indeed be a part of the Christian life and so instructs that fasting ought not be done in gloominess or for the purpose of broadcasting our righteousness (Mt. 6.16-18). Jesus Himself fasted prior to the testing of Satan (Mt. 4.1-2). Of course, during the First Missionary Journey of Paul and Barnabas, the church at Antioch sets them apart with prayer and fasting (Ac. 13.2). At the end of the mission, we learn that elders were set aside for each church with prayer and fasting (Ac. 14.23).
Important links
Recommended resources of our denomination (EPC resources, ACNA resources)
Richard Pratt, “A Guide to Prayer and Fasting” (.docx format)
Tracing Holy Week Through Scripture
Other resources on fasting
David Mathis, author of Habits of Grace: Enjoying Jesus Through the Spiritual Disciplines, has written a succinct article on fasting, “Sharpen Your Affections with Fasting.” Crossway Books interviewed John Piper on the subject of fasting and you can find the transcript here.
Ligon has preached a helpful sermon on the topic of fasting called, True Religion: Fasting. In addition, Seth Hammond of Christ Covenant PCA in Knoxville has preached a very helpful sermon on the topic of fasting, as has Al Martin. John Piper has preached an entire series on fasting.
In a shorter format, Jerram Barrs of Covenant Theological Seminary has recorded a short talk called, “Times of Fasting and Extended Prayer.” John Piper and Tony Reinke speak on the question, “What is the Purpose of Fasting?”