For several weeks now, the elders and pastors of our church have been convinced that returning our worship service, Midweek, and all other church activities to the way they were in early March would not be instantaneous. We cannot simply flip a switch to the way things were, nor should we. At the bare minimum, we need to incorporate good virus containment practices that have been in effect already for the care of our staff.
If we cannot, in one week, jump back to early March, then what should we do? One option would be to continue to livestream from the church foyer, as we have been, for however long it takes. Another option is to plan a Staged Return, a process by which we begin to assemble Sunday morning, slowly and deliberately.
The elders have been contemplating what a staged return to Sunday morning assembly might look like. Helpful recommendations have been published by the Tennessee governor’s office (see the Tennessee Pledge and Guidance for Gathering Together in Houses for Worship), but we see this, not as a means of government compliance, but as a means to lovingly care for every person in our church family. We want to honor those who yearn for a prudential return, as well as, those who yearn for an intrepid return. Learn more here.
At our recent meeting, the elders approved the following nine highlights to a staged return to Sunday morning worship:
- All Midweek and other church-wide events will remain suspended during the staged return.
- In-person Sunday school and Sunday morning nursery will not be provided.
- To help with social distancing, there will be two worship services: one from 9:30-10:30 a.m. and one from 5:00-6:00 p.m.
- Both services will take place in the Sanctuary.
- Both services will be similar to an ordinary Sunday morning worship service at CPC.
- The 9:30-10:30 a.m. service will be livestreamed and recorded.
- The choir will be present for the 9:30-10:30 a.m. service and follow social distancing guidelines.
- As we adjust, we’ll make plans for adding communion.
- Everyone in attendance will be asked to follow social distancing guidelines.
This is a different kind of Sunday morning at Covenant, isn’t it? We want to move forward in a way in which the prudential among us feel loved in their desire to stay home. And, we want to move forward in a way in which the intrepid among us feel loved in their desire to be physically present. We don’t want to prescribe, and we don’t want to limit. We do want to sympathize, and we do want to accommodate. This is gracious hospitality.
Our pastors and elders know that a staged return is preparation for something more. It is temporary, and we are excited for a complete return to the life at Covenant that we all miss.
This strategy poses unique challenges to our facility, technology, leadership, and staff. The elders have asked the deacons to review steps already taken by the staff and to help refine this plan.
The elders have also asked the deacons to assign a date when they think we can begin this staged return. This will likely be a Sunday in late May or early June. Until then, we will continue to gather virtually through our livestream service.