Multiple tornadoes swept through (and swept away much of) our East Brainerd community. This happened the evening of Easter Sunday, 2020. As best as they could, the deacons of our church mobilized the Mercy Committee to not only provide whatever ordinary human and financial resources were available, but also to raise additional funds for disaster relief.
Mission to North America Disaster Response invited Pastor Jake Bennett to share some of our experience as a church seeking to meet the needs of our community. They produced a video, Showing Mercy, which will tell you more.
In addition, Pablo Mazariegos, a deacon at New City East Lake, produced a beautiful video focused on the Hispanic community of East Brainerd: Reconstruyendo Juntos (also Héroes de la Salud 2020).
Even as I reflect, I take to heart afresh this reminder from a member of our church: “the name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe (Proverbs 18.10).”