05.07.21 | Coffee Stained Notebook | by John Jones


    I always like when one of my favorite podcasts is cross-referenced on one of my favorite news currators 

    James Harper invented and hosts Filter Stories, a documentary podcast themed by coffee. While I don’t agree with every conclusion he draws from the historical evidence, James’ series, A History of Coffee, is really terrific. These six podcasts are excellently produced. The serene music, paced meter, and cheery and cordial dialogue between James and Jonathan, is like sitting in a coffeehouse and overhearing a very informed discussion. The production is so clever.  

    Jonathan Morris, his dialogue partner, is professor of modern European history at the University of Hertfordshire (faculty bioand Vice President for Research Policy at the Royal Historical SocietyHe writes on academic subjects related to Italian history, but he has also written, Coffee: A Global History, and consulted on The Craft and Science of Coffee. Jonathan is wildly knowledgeable about the history of coffee. 

    Thus far, five of six episodes have been produced. I am not entirely sure where James and Jonathan are heading; the first four have been especially stimulating. You can listen to all of the podcasts here, or … 

    1. A Five Gun Salute to the Origins of Coffee 
    2. Slavery, Suffering, and Affordable Luxury 
    3. Coffee Catches Fire 
    4. A Dark Bitter Powder 
    5. Desperately Seeking Sustainability 
    6. Upcoming 
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