Did you know…
- The Olympics was postponed for the first time in modern history.
- Bev Fowler is the Vice-Chair for Women’s Ministry.
- There are more than 3 million shipwrecks on the ocean floor.
- Judy Foster is Special Events Chair of the Women’s Ministry.
- Australia has more than 10,000 beaches.
- Bonnie Schoap is the Christian Growth Chair for Women’s Ministry.
- Antarctica is classified as a desert due to its low rainfall.
- Emily Calloway is the Hospitality Chair for Women’s Ministry.
- Solitaire was introduced to Microsoft by an intern.
- Sue Spalding is the treasurer of Women’s Ministry.
- Like fingerprints, everyone’s tongue print is different.
- Diane Cosby is the Women’s Ministry Secretary.
- Typing keyboards used to be arranged alphabetically.
- Romans 12.10 is the theme for 2021-2022 Women’s Ministry.
Many interesting facts we do not know, however, this we do know: Romans 12.10 calls us to be devoted to one another in brotherly love and to give preference to one another, in honor. Now, just how do we do this on a daily basis…with all the demands of our time…in the midst of fear, cultural confusion, and just plain fatigue? That is both the Women’s Ministry focus and challenge for the upcoming year.
Ladies’ Bible Studies will soon be starting for the Fall Semester including a Thursday morning study with Bev Mealor (Hebrews) starting September 16 at 10:00 a.m., a Wednesday evening study with Lynda Brown (Hope in Times of Fear by Tim Keller) starting September 1, and other women’s Connect Groups. Both Zoom and in-person studies are planned with the great hope we will not be facing the same pandemic challenges as last year.
The Women’s Fall Retreat is scheduled for October 1-3 at Cragsmere Manor in Mentone, Alabama. The speaker will be Mary Haberkorn, D.Min. Mary is the wife of Youth, Children, and Discipleship pastor at First Presbyterian Church. She will be speaking on the Romans 12.10 theme. Mary has researched the needs of women from a multi-generational perspective and the impact cultural demands have on women in various seasons of life. You may register online or in-person by August 31. The Women’s Ministry Christmas dinner is already being planned for December 10.
So, did you know…
- Sylvia Mills and Bonnie Folkening are Welcome Committee Coordinators.
- Honey never spoils.
- Rebekah Bennett chaired SHINE Camp in July with 49 girls and 38 volunteers.
- The most commonly used letter in the English alphabet is E.
- Lisa Wright and Cathy Smith are the shower coordinators.
- Hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly backwards.
- Connie Hildebrand facilitates the Mother’s Encouragement Group, which meets on the 1st Tuesday morning of the month from 10:00-11:30 a.m. in E-111 (Parlor) and on the 3rd Wednesday evening of the month from 7:00-8:00 p.m. in E-106 (Children’s Playroom). Moms of any age group are welcome!
- The first phonebook had only 50 names and was a page long.
Finally and most crucially…did you know that that each individual woman, at each stage of life, at each moment in time is called to glorify God by giving preference to one another, in honor. Come be with the women of CPC in this pursuit!
~ Pat Barber, WM Chair 2021-2022