How often do we drive under a bridge and see a body wrapped in some form of covering? Next to them is a bag of sorts carrying their worldly belongings. Or, if they're one of the more fortunate souls, they might have a “borrowed” shopping cart to carry all they own.
Unfortunately, these individuals also don't have immediate access to a bathroom, running water, electricity, or any of the little, yet vital things we all take for granted in our daily lives.
What are they to do when it rains? Or when the temperature is 95 degrees or, worse yet, 20 degrees? Three meals a day are generally out of the question. Some are fortunate to have at least one warm meal.
Our typical reaction is often to look the other way and quickly drive on. We might even decide that these souls are lazy, alcoholics, or on drugs...without even knowing their true story. Sometimes though, we are moved to help and want to meet their needs.
At CPC, we are not so unrealistic to think that we can solve all the problems that this part of our community faces daily. However, as Christians, we have an obligation and responsibility to lend help, even if in a small way, without discrimination or judgment. It would be a measure of expressing our love for our Lord and a tangible way to show His care for them.
Our new Clothes Closet program will be a year-round collection of clothing and personal items for the homeless community in Chattanooga. To better serve the individuals at their point of need, we partner with The Salvation Army (an evangelical part of the universal Christian church). CPC will collect the clothes and items and then deliver them to the Salvation Army on McCallie Avenue. These are the specific current needs we are collecting for:
Men’s Needs
- Coats and Jackets (all sizes)
- Pants (sizes: medium and large)
- Belts (all sizes)
- Underwear (all sizes)
- Socks (greatly needed)
- Shower Shoes / Flip-flops
Women’s Needs
- Coats and Jackets (all sizes)
- Pants (all sizes)
- Blouses (all sizes)
- Underwear (all sizes)
- Socks
Miscellaneous Needs
- Bed-Size Blankets
- Bathroom Rugs
- Ponchos
- Backpacks
As a group, the homeless members of our community are definitely "the least of my brothers" as mentioned in Matthew 25.31-40. In that passage, Jesus speaks of a time when He as King will say, "Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me."
Thank you in advance for your caring and generosity for this project.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call Joan at 423-605-9677.
~ Rich and Joan Denkinger