Men, don’t stop reading just yet! Although this article is directed towards the women of our church, we definitely need our men to pray for and encourage our ladies in their walks with our Lord. Please continue reading to better understand the current schedule and needs of our Women’s Ministry.
Did you know, ladies, that we are growing? Since the beginning of 2020, God has brought sixteen new women to our membership, along with many others who attend regularly. Whether you are new to CPC or are looking to reconnect after global hiccups, we’re glad to see you.
You’ll notice in the Women’s Ministry section on our website (cpcchatt.org) that the purpose of the Women’s Ministry is that every woman know Christ personally and be committed to extending the Kingdom in her life, home, church, community, and throughout the world. So, no matter your age and stage in life, our desire is to be pursuing Christ’s Kingdom together. Aside from personal friendships, church-wide Connect groups, and Sunday worship followed by Bible-focused classes, there are various ways to get involved.
1. Join a ladies' Bible study. For March and April, we’re reading Even Better Than Eden by Nancy Guthrie. It traces nine themes through the Old and New Testaments. We’ll be focusing on our eternal hope through God’s promises and how that changes our daily life. We'll discuss contentment, suffering, identity, Sabbath rest, our heavenly citizenship, and more. We have space for 15 in this hybrid study. You can participate in person on Tuesday nights at CPC or by Zoom. If Tuesday evening is not convenient, you can follow along on your own, using the study guide in the back of the book.
We also have a Mothers' Encouragement Group that meets on the second Tuesday evening and fourth Wednesday evening each month.
2. Attend a special event. On Saturday, March 12, we’re hosting a daytime seminar called “Preferring One Another When We Are Different.” We will discuss several topics, such as generational differences, cultural differences, and situational differences like disabilities. Breakfast and lunch are included in the $8 cost. Online registration is available through March 6. We will soon announce the details for our annual Ladies’ Tea happening in May. This is open to ALL women, so please don’t think you have to come as a “mother/daughter” pair.
3. Prayerfully consider serving on the Women’s Ministry Team for a year or two. If you are a member in good standing who would like to be on the planning end of opportunities for our ladies, please let us know. You may contact Bev Fowler, incoming WM Chair, at:
. (All team members are approved by the Session.)
We hope this quick summary of the current women’s ministry schedule reflects a welcoming heart for you, and that collectively we will follow our current ministry verse: “Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.” (Romans 12.10) We do this imperfectly, knowing our only hope is in the resurrection of Christ, who makes all things new. We want you to be encouraged in your walk with the Lord and with each other, pursuing connection through our sisterhood in Christ.