You may have noticed that our Lobby has undergone some redecorating over the past few months. During this process, two empty bookshelves were installed. We hoped that these shelves would not become a place where water bottles, unused plates, and coffee cups were stowed! However, we recently were able to put them to their intended use, which is to house our Book Resource Ministry.
Hopefully, you have had an opportunity to browse these book resources at the Information Center in the Lobby. In addition to ESV Bibles, Trinity Hymnals, and catechisms, you will find an assortment of books from our pastors' curated list. We pray these books will help you understand the Bible, worship God, learn about life in the Church, explore basic theology, and engage the world with the Gospel. Our desire is to equip you with tools that help you grow as a follower of Jesus.
These books are offered to you at no cost. Please take any of the books that are of interest to you. Do not feel obligated to return them. Remember, this is not a library. When a book is taken from a library, there is an expectation that it will be returned or a fine may be imposed. With our Book Resource Ministry, books can be freely taken and there is no expectation that they will be returned.
However, donations to fund this ministry are accepted and warmly welcomed. As you read through any book, you will find a special CPC bookmark. This bookmark is useful for keeping your place, of course, but it also includes a QR code. When scanned, this QR code will link you to the Giving portal on our website where you can make a donation of any amount. (Choose “Other Giving” under Fund and then “Book Resource Ministry” under Sub Fund.) If you wish to make your donation using cash or check, please place it, clearly marked, in the Offering box hanging on the wall in the Lobby.
If you have not been able to drop by the Book Resource Ministry area, we hope you will soon! We’ve already heard from several members who have taken books and are excitedly reading them. We extend this opportunity to our members as well as our regular attendees. We desire for these resources to be used by those who are new to Covenant Presbyterian Church, Covenant Theology, or maybe just new to faith in Christ! Remember that CPC’s mission is to love God and our neighbors by making Christ known in all of life. Through the Book Resource Ministry, our hope is to make Christ known more fully in our lives as well as the lives of our friends and neighbors.