Greetings from the Operation Christmas Child Committee! It is that time of year again when we join our efforts to pack shoeboxes to send to boys and girls who may never have received a Christmas gift or heard about the most precious gift, our Lord Jesus. Every shoebox that you pack, pray over, and send overseas represents a child who will hear that God loves them and sent His Son. This is your ministry as we partner with Samaritan’s Purse and Operation Christmas Child who have delivered 209 million boxes in over 100 countries in the past 30 years. Boxes are given to each child only once, but there are still an estimated 650 million children who have yet to receive a box or hear the Gospel presentation.
It is obvious from the testimonies of the recipients that each box brings joy to their hearts. The children are so excited to tell their families, friends, village leaders, and visitors about Jesus. Churches are started each year as a result of the children who, after receiving these boxes, hear God’s Word and accept His Son as their Savior.
- Each of us can participate in this ministry by packing as many boxes as God leads us to provide. We invite and encourage everyone, whether you are a member or a visitor, to take boxes and pack them for children around the world. These personally packed and prayed-over boxes mean so much to the children. Shoeboxes will be available starting this Sunday in the Narthex and need to be filled and returned to CPC by November 18.
- You can also participate in our Prep Day on Thursday, October 26 from 9 am - noon. We will complete four projects that day: fold boxes, prepare/sort/count items, decorate the Christmas Tree, and finish boxes from Music Camp as needed.
- You can donate items to fill the boxes - many of you have been doing so all year! Please continue to bring items up until Packing Day, November 18. Place these items on the cart in the office hallway outside the Fellowship Hall.
- You can even Build-a-Box-Online. This is a great way to send a shoebox! You choose items, pay $25 for them which includes shipping, pray for the child who will receive it, and you are done.
CPC is once again a Drop-Off Location for the National OCC Collection. Collection Week is November 13-20, and we will need volunteers to help every afternoon plus more on the weekend. You make it possible for CPC to continue with this amazing ministry. Signup sheets to help with the National Collection will be available in the lobby starting October 29.
We are called to be God’s witnesses to the ends of the earth through not just our speech but also our conduct. Acts 20.35 reminds us that while we are blessed to receive gifts, the greater blessing is in sharing our gifts. Please help us share the Greatest Gift by witnessing to precious children through something as small as a shoebox. I urge you to think of the excitement on the face of a child when they receive a gift from a stranger that wanted to share the love of Christ with them.
Thank you for all you do every year to serve and witness to the children who Christ loves so much!
Operation Christmas Child Committee