“So then you are…built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets,
Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure,
being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord.” (Ephesians 2.19-21)
What a great assurance that the Lord is building us up into a living temple for His presence that is in the image of Christ our Savior! Because God is carrying forward this work of shaping us, each new year affords the believer opportunities for new growth. Some Christians think the annual custom of making New Year’s resolutions is legalistic and doomed to failure. However, I am not so negative. Knowing that God works in me both to will and to act according to His good pleasure (Philippians 2.13) and being confident that He who began a good work in me will bring it to completion (Philippians 1.6), I can evaluate my current practices and consider how the Spirit might enable me to set some new or better priorities in the coming year.
When undertaking new steps in reliance on the Lord, the hardest step is often the first one. So, if you can put a few important dates down on your calendar, you are already making progress in getting those things done.
Below are some suggested resolutions that you might put on your 2024 calendar. No one will want to do all these things or even most of them! These are ideas to help you start planning now. I’ve come to realize that adding just a few dates can be a big step in the right direction.
- Begin a habit of reading daily through the Bible. Check out the many different plans available online for free at Ligonier Ministries.
- Plan a special one-on-one outing with one or more of your kids or grandkids.
- Put a date on the calendar when you and a friend will recite Bible verses you are memorizing.
- Invite over a new family or couple from the church and get it on your calendar.
- Set up a time to talk on the phone with that old friend you have lost touch with.
- Make a commitment to give an extra financial gift in 2024 to the church, your missionaries, your school, or some Gospel-centered cause.
- Plan for a week-long digital fast and put the specific dates on your calendar.
- Buy tickets to a sporting event, concert, or show. If you can, buy extra tickets and invite someone who needs a night out (Let them know ahead of time to avoid a conflict!).
- Call up a hurting person and ask them for the best time to bring over a meal or take them out to eat.
- Pencil-in Sunday School or the evening Praise & Prayer meeting into your Sunday schedule. Give it a good try for a month.
- Pray weekly for a missionary, missions organization, or the evangelization of another country. Especially consider those folks supported by CPC or use the helpful book Operation World.
- Schedule a date night with your husband or wife for some time in the next six weeks.
- If you have the flexibility, put two personal prayer days on your calendar for 2024.
- Plan a monthly visit to a different shut-in from CPC.
- Sit with someone new once a month during Wednesday night dinner.
- Help clean-up after those Wednesday night dinners (Nicky is the contact). Cleaning dishes isn’t the most glamorous way to serve, and yet it is a need!
- Volunteer with the Children’s Ministry since usually it is in persistent need of helpers for the nursery and Sunday School/Midweek opportunities.
- Make a list of five individuals whom you love or simply know who do not know Christ as Savior. When will you pray for them regularly?
- Firm up your vacation plans and start saving now. Often, it’s better to spend money on experiences and memories than new stuff.
- Begin an exercise plan.
God’s richest blessings in your new year!