Many of us have experienced a moment when a very important decision was finally made and we said in our spirit, “There is no turning back.” We had reached the “point of no return.” We set ourselves to face the future with God’s help.
That was true of Jesus when, in Isaiah’s words, He “set his face like a flint” and rode the donkey into Jerusalem on the first “Palm Sunday.” For Jesus, there was no turning back. His last days had arrived, and the climactic events of His life lay before Him.
Jesus knew that in God’s plan He had been handed over to be shamefully treated and crucified. He was conscious that the plotting of his death had been going on for months. Even so, He did not enter the holy city as a helpless victim! All the Gospel writers emphasize this. Jesus was Lord and Master both of His disciples and of His own circumstances. It would be no accident when He was arrested and crucified. In fact, those disturbing events only furthered His God-given mission - that of offering Himself up as “the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” (John 1.29).
Three days later, He would rise as Victor over death and everything that opposes God’s people. His resurrection would open a new chapter in His life when, as the God/man, He would be exalted in glory and given authority over all things. But His death and resurrection have opened a new chapter for us too, and for everyone who has named Him as Savior by simple faith. How tenderly He calls us to himself that we may find rest for our souls! If we have received this Servant King who was oppressed and afflicted for our sins, then we are victors over sin, judgement, and death. His victory is ours. The new heavens and the new earth in which righteousness dwells lie before us. This is our hope and destiny!
As we observe another Passion Week, let us remember with thanksgiving that if we have the Savior, God has opened a new future for us. For us, there is no turning back because we belong to the Lord who redeemed us. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. We are heirs of glory! Let us then set ourselves to face the future - wherever God leads - rejoicing that we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us!
Bill Massey, Interim Senior Pastor