There are no words to perfectly describe this mission trip. Going into the trip, I was prepared to help change other people's lives and to serve the people of Brazil. I specifically prayed for a spirit of selflessness. But little did I know that this trip was going to change my life. I fell in love with the culture and language of Brazil, the people of Brazil, and the God who made Brazil.
The way I saw God there the most was through His love. Growing up in church, I was taught about how God's love is powerful and can break past all boundaries. I had no clue how truly awesome and big God's love can be. I didn't know I could love people so much who didn't even speak my own language. God's love is universal, and it breaks past all language barriers. I had no clue going into this trip that some Brazilian teenagers from Rio de Janeiro would be joining us in our mission work. I was specifically impacted by two 17-year-olds (my exact age) along with some other teens. Serving alongside people my age who do not speak English was one of the coolest experiences of my whole life. Even though we do not speak the same language, we are connected because we both serve and worship the same God – the God of Tennessee and Brazil. It was so cool to see other people my own age across the world on fire for Christ. Over the week, I developed a deep love for my new Brazilian friends. Even though I might never get to see my new Brazilian friends on this side of heaven again, they are a part of my forever family in Christ, and I have hope that I will see them again one day.
Throughout the week, we visited and ministered to babies, toddlers, kids, teens, and the elderly. We also participated in street evangelism. We worked with missionaries Fabiana and Gerson and their Agape Puppet ministry. I even got to learn and perform with the puppets myself. Pastor Travis Hutchinson said on the first day we were in Brazil, “God has already shown Himself to us. We should walk with boldness throughout the rest of the week because He is who He said He is.” I carried what Pastor Travis said throughout the rest of the week and tried to live and serve with boldness. I learned that the Gospel requires us to live lives of boldness for Jesus’ name. The Gospel calls us to be uncomfortable.
At our first nightly meeting in Brazil, Pastor Travis asked for volunteers to work the puppets the next day. It’s so hard to explain, but my hand immediately went up and I felt like I didn’t even put it up. It was the Spirit who raised my hand. I would have never chosen to do it in my own strength. Little did I know, I would also be sharing my testimony using a microphone in front of 100 kids at a school. This was such a cool experience, because as I was speaking, I had to pause so that it could be translated into Portuguese.
Pastor Travis also shared that “We find our God given gifts when we minister to others.” It was the coolest experience to see my brothers and sisters in Christ serve and to see their spiritual gifts come to light. I felt so proud of my friends and their gifts, not jealous. Every single person who was a part of our team was there for a reason, and the mission would not have worked without each and every person there. People who labor together definitely have a stronger bond. I got to hear the testimonies of my teammates, both in English and in Portuguese. I learned just how powerful testimonies for Christ's name can be. Hearing the stories of our Rio friends and how God changed them is something I will remember forever. The Gospel removes all shame from our past!
One day during our trip, we went to the island of Ilhabela, which was across the bay from where we were staying. The beauty was breathtaking and hard to take in. I could so clearly see God in His creation, and it was so hard to comprehend. I got to drink fresh spring mountain water from the middle of a jungle in Brazil that is also in the middle of the ocean! It was difficult to believe that God calls me more beautiful than the mountains, beaches, and jungle of Brazil.
God was so present with me every day. I was doing exactly what we are called to do as Christians every day for 10 days - serve and love others, worship God, be in His creation, be in community with other Christians, and spread the Gospel. I felt complete. Nothing else mattered. I didn't wear makeup, no Instagram, no running. I was able to see the idols in my life. Not being able to run for 10 days really caused me to see just how much I put running above God in my life. I put so much of my identity into running, and that's where I found my worth. But during the trip, God showed me that my identity is found in Him and only in Him. I learned that there is nothing more rewarding than to live and serve to further God's kingdom.
I made lifelong friends and got to see some of my forever family across the world. This trip was full of God's unending love and abounding joy. I have cried so many tears of joy and sadness. Leaving Brazil was one of the hardest things I have ever done. I had no clue God's love could be that big - that I can love people that much who don't speak my own language. I have never felt more loved than I have on this trip. There is a specific word in the beautiful language of Portuguese: saudade. Saudade is the lingering memory of someone or something that you are happy is an integral part of yourself. It means you are sad because you do not any more have the something or someone you really loved, but you remember it happily because you once did. It's a longing for something that you might not ever have or experience again. I feel so much saudade for my brothers and sisters in Christ in Brazil, and I look forward to the day I get to see them again. I am so very grateful to have been blessed with this life-changing experience. Even though my cup is overflowing, I have forever left a piece of my heart in Brazil.
I would not have been able to go on this mission trip if it wasn't for CPC - your support and your prayers. Obrigada (thank you) so much for everything you contributed to participate in the mission to save lost souls. Que Deus te abençoe! Jesus te ama!
Sophie Wright, rising High School Senior