09.17.24 | Shepherding | by A CPC Pilgrim

    We concluded our discussion in the first article of this series realizing that we can find some clues to life’s questions, at least in part, by looking at God’s and our stories in an allegorical frame of mind. As we do so, we find that we are pilgrims with gifts, in this world on our way to the Celestial City. God has given us these gifts, chief of which is life in Christ and the forgiveness of sins. He also has given us various spiritual gifts and talents along with a charge to nurture and use them for His Kingdom. How has God charged us to fulfill this task? In the beginning, God commanded man to fill the earth, cultivate it, and exercise rule over the creatures (Genesis 1.28). Now in this fallen world, He wants us to walk and bear witness of God by being salt and light to a darkened world (Matthew 5.13-16). We are created for good works, which God has given us to do and equipped us for (Ephesians 2.10). Matthew 28.18-20 cannot be made any clearer. We are to support the work of the Church, Christ’s body on earth, to bring others into the Kingdom and teach others to live for Christ.
    So, that’s the big picture. But you may ask, “How do I fit in? What’s my part?” In the parable (think story here) of the talents (Matthew 25.14-30), Jesus reveals that not all have the same abilities, opportunities, or mission to carry out, but all are to be good stewards of what they’ve been given. Let’s go back to J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings. Frodo Baggins was part of a fellowship. Each member was useful for the fellowship’s mission. Frodo was not alone. We too are not to be alone in performing God’s appointed task. Think of Samwise Gamgee who encouraged and strengthened Frodo. The other hobbits also had a part to play. Consider - we all have a story of God’s grace at work in our lives, of what and how He is teaching us. Together, we are all parts of God’s larger story. Let’s affirm the truths of God and encourage one another on our way to the Celestial City. What better encouragement could we have than Jesus’ own words, “…Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.” (Matthew 25.21).
    Sincerely, A Pilgrim (a CPC Elder)

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