01.21.25 | Youth Ministry | by Heather Morrison

    Happy New Year! It is so crazy to think that we are already in 2025! As we close the chapter on 2024, I want to take a moment to reflect on the amazing past year we had as a Youth group!

    Last spring, we launched a new tradition of taking high school surf trips during our students’ Spring Breaks- it was a blast! During the summer, we had the privilege of taking 15 of our middle schoolers to The Edge on Lookout Mountain. We always have a great time! A group of our high school students had the incredible opportunity to go to São Sebastiao, Brazil on a mission trip! It was incredible watching them step out of their comfort zones to share God’s Word and the love of our Heavenly Father.

    This past year marked the sixth year of SHINE (girls) camp, and we reached a new milestone by “maxing out” at 56 campers! We also had our second year of FORGE (boys) camp this year with 30 campers. Our high school students did an outstanding job being leaders in both camps, and we witnessed the Lord moving in powerful ways. To close out the summer, we held a high school "Lock-Out" with camping and rafting - a perfect way to celebrate the end of the season!

    We were blessed to celebrate 13 seniors graduate and had 11 fifth graders join the Youth group. It has been such a joy to get to know our newer members and watch them grow in their faith.

    Throughout the year, we focused on the “SeeJesus” curriculum for our Midweek time in both the spring and fall semesters. In the latter half of the fall, a few of our high school students had the opportunity to teach portions of the lesson each week. They did an amazing job! This is part of our goal to equip our students to go and share God’s Word, and it was a great chance for them to begin honing those skills. Our fall semester concluded with a powerful series on evangelism taught by Dr. Henry Krabbendam, which will continue through this January.

    We are so grateful for our 22 incredible volunteers who pour into our students every week through Sunday School and Midweek. We cannot thank them enough for their dedication and support.

    This past year was one of beginnings and transitions, but we saw the Lord provide in countless ways. We are thankful for each of your families and the unique place you hold in our CPC family. We are excited to see what God has in store for us in the year ahead!
    In Christ,
    Heather Morrison, Assistant Youth Director

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