We stand for the Hallelujah Chorus, so we’ve been told, following a tradition started by King George II. Upon hearing Handel’s majestic chorus, the king could not contain himself. He rose suddenly to his feet. The rest of the audience, confused, rose with the King out of respect...
It may be premature, even anti-spiritual to some, to be looking ahead to the New Year when the season of Advent has just started. You may ask, “Why speed up time? Settle down. Relax.” In the words of Polish poet, Wislawa Szymborska, “haste is...
One of my very favorite preachers, Dr. Liam Goligher of Tenth Presbyterian (PCA) in Philadelphia, recently shared an article written by Dr. Craig Carter of Tyndale University, Toronto. I mentioned this article in my Midweek class, “Listening to sermons, skillfully,” as we were...
“Comfort, comfort my people, says your God.”Isaiah 40.1
December is a hard month for many. A few years ago, I sat with a widower who hated the holiday season more than any other time of year. “If only I could sleep through December,” he often said. Thanksgiving and...
A special thanks to all who were able to attend our Annual Congregational Meeting on Sunday, December 1. Thank you, members, regular attendees, and curious visitors, for staying. For those unable to attend, you missed not only our meeting, but also a fun time of eating and...
Dr. Han Madueme, Assoc. Professor of Theological Studies at Covenant College, delivered an excellent chapel talk on Nov. 18. Don’t be misled by his title: “Casting out Demons at Covenant College: or something close enough...” His approach to the subject is a beautiful picture...