It's Good for You That They Are Better than You.

Posted by John Jones on

On Sunday, I shared I had just returned from a visit in Southern California and caught myself thinking of the poem of Suzanne Lummis, “Shangri-La,” in which she contends that Los Angelinos are always young, always suntanned, and always “real,” that LA is inside a...

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Our Messy Brokenness

Posted by Jake Bennett on

“Blessed be my rich Lord Jesus, who sendeth not away beggars from his house with a toom [empty] dish. He filleth the vessels of such as will come and seek. We might beg ourselves rich (if we were wise), if we could but hold out our withered hands to Christ, and learn to suit and seek, ask...

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Book Recommendations

Posted by Dan Steere on

Book Recommendations Books of all kinds are, for me, a source of delight, books both old and new. Many age-old Christian authors have impacted my theological perspectives and have served as wise counselors. I occasionally joke that some of my best friends have been dead for over 400 years!...

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The Gospel of Luke: 1:5-23

Posted by Jake Bennett on

Announcing a baby's birth is a big deal in our world. There seems to be an ever-growing industry catering to baby announcements that developed around me without me realizing it. From birth cards to gender reveal cakes, there are all sorts of ways to celebrate the coming of a new child into the...

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Posted by Eric Mullinax on

I’ve been thinking about “home”. Several things seem to be prompting these thoughts: recently reconnecting with life-long friends in planning our 50th High School Graduation Reunion, yesterday’s conversation with my 95 year old Aunt Martha (the only living sibling of my...

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