Agape Puppets

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Background: The Agape Puppets began when two little boys wanted to tell people about Jesus. Their dad suggested puppets, but no one in the family ever imagined what God would do! The boys, Josh and Matt, had seen Hank Schum tell stories with puppets and chalk. They loved Uncle Hank! Mike and...

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Haitian American Friendship Foundation

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  Background: In 1944 Rev. Rueben and Lila Clark arrived in Haiti with a burden for the interior of Haiti, the Central Plateau. In 1945 - 1946 they moved to the small inland village of Pignon to preach Christ where His name was unknown - or so they thought. Instead, they found 300 people...

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Third Millennium Ministries

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The mission of Third Millennium Ministries is to spread the Kingdom of God by providing a multimedia seminary curriculum to Christian leaders in their own lands and languages at no cost to them. Dr. Richard L. Pratt, Jr., helped to launch Third Millennium Ministries in response to the lack...

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Amani Ya Juu

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Amani ya Juu (“peace from above” in Swahili) is a sewing and reconciliation program for marginalized women established in Nairobi, Kenya with a sister center in Uganda. Women at Amani centers come from different circumstances. Some are living as refugees, others have lost family...

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Christine ***

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Serving With: Wycliffe - SIL and Seed Company Background: Christine grew up in Ohio and came to know the power, love, and compassion of the Lord during high school through Young Life and Campaigners. After spending 20+ years in the corporate world in marketing and product development she...

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