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07.23.20 | Discipleship | by John Jones
For many years I have been convinced that the non-photo (or non-repro) pencil is a modern miracle of the industrial complex...It looks like an ordinary light-blue pencil, but it is not an ordinary light-blue pencil.
07.22.20 | Shepherding | by John Jones
Let’s try to get ourselves up-to-speed as we rejoin Paul’s letter to the Romans to wrap up this sermon series.
07.16.20 | Pastoral Care | by Eric Mullinax
"...initial words of Scripture boldly proclaim we are not lost and wandering in a cosmic circle of time and chance, isolated from any meaning. There is One Who stood at the foundation of the world, Who with wisdom, majesty, power, and...
The Unsafe, Made Safe, By Grace
07.15.20 | Shepherding | by John Jones
Apart from God’s grace operating in and through us, we are a danger to others.
Is "beautiful" a word that describes the church?
07.01.20 | Shepherding | by John Jones
It may be because the word seems inappropriate. It may be because the church seems blah. But the gospel does indeed make the church beautiful.
06.25.20 | Discipleship | by Eric Mullinax
In that lush, tropical southeast Asian valley …yet, a valley of dry bones…God had breathed men to life.
06.24.20 | Shepherding | by John Jones
What is so compelling about King Jesus is not that He rules and reigns, but that He notices you, and comes near to you.
06.18.20 | Shepherding | by Jeremiah Hill
Why is it that so many of us can’t seem to speak the same language, even though we’re all speaking English?
06.17.20 | Shepherding | by John Jones
To grow in grace is to understand, if nothing else, how important grace is to those who need growth (which is all of us).
06.11.20 | Shepherding | by John Jones
I suspect our age is not one for lamentation. We’re more suited to frivolity and anger. Lamentation is sorrow, made expressive, through the cross...