10.22.24 | Missions & Outreach | by Judy Foster
We pack shoeboxes with love and prayers for God to guide them to the specific child(ren) God has chosen. These gifts open the door and the hearts of children and their parents...
We pack shoeboxes with love and prayers for God to guide them to the specific child(ren) God has chosen. These gifts open the door and the hearts of children and their parents...
Please pray for this year's shoebox collection that God will again provide for outreach to many children through our Covenant family. Please join us for our first shoebox packing party of the year at “Christmas in July” on July 24.
So many OCC opportunities are available for you in the year ahead. Consider how you can help to make a difference in the lives of children...
Have you ever wanted to be a missionary? Have you been on a mission trip? Have you wanted to go and tell the world about Jesus? In a very real way, Operation Christmas Child is your opportunity...
Exciting! Joyous! Celebratory! Praise-filled! That is how I would describe the Global Operation Christmas Child Conference...
Operation Christmas Child is an amazing ministry! You all at Covenant love this ministry and have made an eternal difference in thousands of lives over the years.
As of this past Sunday, November 7, we have seventy completed shoeboxes under the Christmas tree in the lobby and five boxes built online through Covenant’s special webpage! Praise God!
The Great Joy of Sharing the Good News
She was thrilled with the glossy notebook, pencils, the sweet-smelling soap, towels, and other items. She knew her heavenly Father loved her. Since then, she has shared Jesus with her family, cousins, and siblings...
You have given generously in so many different ways, using many different gifts. Whether you packed a box, donated items, helped on packing day, worked the Collection site, gave money for shipping and/or evangelism, carried boxes to the chancel...
Operation Christmas Child Update
CPC will also be a Shoebox Drop-Off Collection Site again this year, November 16-23. We will be open a few hours each day and will need many volunteers.