“Let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works.” – Hebrews 10.24
A few months ago I was talking with a couple about the joys and struggles of parenting. As we shared stories of our children, we began sharing our hopes and dreams for our kids. None of these hopes and dreams were uniquely special. We want our children to know and love the Lord. We want our children to have a deep understanding of God’s Word. We want them to find vocations that will honor Christ with their gifts. These are desires we should all want for the covenant children of our church.
Yet how do we, in concert with the Holy Spirit, bring our children up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord (Ephesians 6.4)?
I am grateful for the biblical teaching of our Sunday School and Midweek ministries, but the development of our children into faithful servants is life-encompassing. Our children are amazing sponges of knowledge, absorbing not just the content of what is being taught but our mannerisms, our discipline, our words, and our attitudes of grace. They are constantly watching, experiencing, and growing in ways that we, as adults, are not always aware.
One way that we can work together towards assisting one another in our discipleship of covenant children is to share stories of God’s faithfulness with one another. That is, to stir up one another to love and good works. Next month we are starting a seminar-style ministry called Conversations. This first Conversations will focus on children and children’s ministry. Whether you have children, grandchildren, are involved in the children’s ministry of our church, or want to be more involved in our church, this ministry is for you.
We will be gathering on the morning of February 26 to listen and share with one another on topics relevant to children. We are in the process of finalizing those topics and workshop leaders, and I hope you will plan to join us. For more information and to help us determine the headcount for lunch, please register at https://cpcchatt.org/conversations/.