“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you,
and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem
and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1.8
Have you ever wanted to be a missionary? Have you been on a mission trip? Have you wanted to go and tell the world about Jesus?
In a very real way, Operation Christmas Child is your opportunity! Every time you pack an OCC shoebox, put an encouraging note in it, and pray for the child who will receive it, you are actually going to the “end of the earth” with the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Each child who receives a shoebox is also given a booklet in their language entitled “The Greatest Gift.” It is about Jesus, His love, and His gift of life through His sacrifice on the cross. Every child hears the story explained vividly by trained teachers. Many children give their lives to Jesus on that day when they receive the shoebox as a gift – many times it is the first gift that a child has ever received.
The children also have an opportunity to sign up for a 12-week series called “The Greatest Journey” taught by well-trained teachers. When they graduate (complete all the lessons), they receive an amazing gift - their very own Bible in their language! These children tell others about God like their families, their friends, and their villages. About a thousand churches per year are started through these children and the people they impact. Samaritan’s Purse works with churches and other mission organizations to help start and build these churches. Children’s lives are changed! Many of them grow up to be teachers, preachers, government workers, and leaders in their communities while continuing to tell others about Jesus.
All of this can start with your one simple shoebox and prayers! What an amazing opportunity we have to be missionaries and change lives, change the world, and reach “the end of the earth!”
We are inviting everyone to come tomorrow evening, July 26, to our first-ever OCC “Christmas in July” event with a packing party! Dinner will be at 5:30, followed by some great information about OCC. Some folks will go to a training at 6:30, but we encourage and welcome everyone else to stay in the Fellowship Hall. We will be giving away a few door prizes, including two tickets to Dollywood. We will also have coloring pages for young kids and paper for each teen and adult to write notes to put in the shoeboxes. After a few stories and instructions, everyone can pack at least one shoebox. Everything will be organized on tables for you. These boxes will be kept here until OCC National Collection Week (November 13-20) and then they will be sent on to processing centers to be shipped to children in over 120 countries!
We especially invite our newest members, regular visitors, or anyone who has never packed a shoebox before. It is a fun and exciting time!
We need your help to make sure we have all the supplies. You can drop these items at church or bring them with you tomorrow evening. Please bring:
- School supplies (crayons, pencils, pens, pencil sharpeners, kid scissors, glue sticks, markers, paper)
- Toiletries (bar soap, washcloths, toothbrushes, and holders, deodorant/feminine supplies for older kids)
- Toys, small stuffed animals, dolls, balls, cars, small games, yo-yos, jump ropes, etc.
- Other items (watches, flashlights/batteries, harmonicas, small tools, and fishing hooks/lines for older boys, sewing kits for older girls)
We look forward to seeing all of you Wednesday night for our Operation Christmas Child Christmas in July!