Setian is nine years old, and she lives in Kenya. Setian’s parents were both unemployed and could not afford pencils or pens. Setian would pick up pieces of broken pencils as she walked to school to have something to write with in class. At her church, the children were told they would be receiving Operation Christmas Child boxes and to pray for whatever they needed. Setian prayed for pencils and pens. She was thrilled to receive them and so much more! She and her parents praised God, and now Setian wants to share the good news of the Gospel with her family and friends. So far, twenty of them have started attending church because of Setian’s invitations.
Dear CPC family, WE can provide pencils and pens…and crayons and paper and scissors…and toothbrushes, wonderful toys, and more for children all around the world! Please join us for our first shoebox packing party of the year at “Christmas in July” on July 24 at 5:30pm. We will have a simple dinner and watch a short video to learn all that is happening with this ministry. Everyone is invited!
We need many items both for Christmas in July and for our big packing party in November. For July, we particularly need crayons, toothbrushes, glue sticks, pens, matchbox cars, and toys. We need those and many other items for our November packing party. (A full idea list is posted near the main church office or can be found online.) The collection cart is at the bottom of the Youth stairwell just off the Lobby. You may drop off items there anytime.
This year, OCC is requesting we not include soap as it is causing extensive delays in some countries. However, we will still send washcloths, toothbrushes, and all the other wonderful things that kids love in their shoebox gifts. Most importantly, the Gospel will be shared every time the boxes are gifted, and the children will have the opportunity to sign up for “The Greatest Journey” classes where so many have learned more about the Bible and Jesus’ love for them.
We also are excited about a new OCC event this year: “Crafts Made with Love” planned for September 21 from 9:30am - 1:30pm. We will make several crafts that day to put into shoeboxes. You can either take yours home to put in your own shoeboxes or leave them here for the November packing party. Teens and adults are invited. It will be a fun day doing great work, and I hope you will plan to attend.
Last year, CPC provided over 700 shoeboxes for children along with the opportunity to learn about Jesus and His love for them. Please pray for this year's shoebox collection that God will again provide for outreach to many children through our Covenant family. If you are interested in helping with Christmas in July or the ongoing OCC ministry, please contact the church office (423.899.5377) or me (423.645.1086).
Thank you,
Judy Foster, OCC Committee Chair