“This book is my favorite gift because it has Jesus in it”, said 9-year-old Alex when he opened his shoebox, pointing to the photos inside.
“Jesus was dead but now He lives. He doesn’t live like my dad or my pastor; I can’t touch Him, but He lives inside my heart.” Alex received his shoebox at the Prince of Peace Baptist Church in Paraguay where the children heard the Gospel. Alex and others received Jesus. Then they joyfully opened their boxes. Alex also attended the twelve-week course, The Greatest Journey, to learn more about Jesus.
This testimony is what we all love about Operation Christmas Child - children getting to learn about Jesus and have their lives forever changed. Spreading the Good News of Jesus is what it’s all about. We pack shoeboxes with love and prayers for God to guide them to the specific child(ren) God has chosen. These gifts open the door and the hearts of children and their parents to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ and His great love for them. Many times this is the first gift they have ever received, as most of them are very poor.
Over the past thirty-one years, over 220 million children have received shoeboxes. Yet, there are an estimated 600 million more children who have never heard of Jesus. By God’s good work, we hope to reach all of them with the Gospel. OCC shoeboxes go to new areas every year. They are distributed through churches and missionaries around the world by trained OCC volunteers. Countless children have received Jesus, and their lives have been radically changed. Thousands of churches have been started in these faraway, and often remote, communities.
This year, OCC is praying that God will provide 12 million boxes to be delivered to children in over 100 countries. God is at work, and we are blessed to be a part of it!
Here are some of the ways you can be involved in this ministry during the next month:
- Pick up boxes over the next few Sundays to pack and return them by November 23. For each box, choose the gender and age of the child, pray, and then pack. If you like, also include a personal note, a picture of yourself, and your return address. These notes have been very meaningful to these kids and greatly encourage them that they are loved. Don’t forget to include the $10 donation for international packing/shipping and the Greatest Gift booklet which Samaritan’s Purse adds.
- You could also bring items for Covenant’s big Packing Day on November 23 (9am-12pm). We’d love to have you come pack with us. It is so much fun and a day full of joy! The items we still need for packing those 300 boxes (Lord willing) are: scissors, combs/brushes, toothbrush holders, lots of TOYS, Matchbox cars, coloring books, items for older boys and older girls, and anything God lays on your heart to bring. No candy, toothpaste, soap, liquids, glass items, or war/soldier toys can be used. If you have any questions, ask any member of the OCC committee.
- Another way to pack a shoebox is by going online! Visit here or click the box on the CPC homepage. You pay $25 and choose from the lists provided which items you want included in your box. The fee includes the $10 shipping cost and you are still able to include a personal note. This is a great option for packing a shoebox - especially if it is hard for you to get out to shop.
- Once again this year, CPC is one of the nearly 5,000 National Drop-off Locations nationwide. It is our sixth year! For those of you who are new to OCC, Collection Week is the time when shoeboxes are collected nation-wide: November 18-25 this year. We will be open at least two hours each day, and we need many volunteers to help receive shoeboxes from individuals, churches, and organizations who bring them to CPC. To make sure it is a great experience for donors, we welcome them, share cookies and info, count their boxes, and pray together over their boxes and any personal needs they have. We would love to have you join us as a volunteer. Signup sheets are available on the OCC table in the Narthex. Please include your email address so we can keep you informed and let you know about training details.
- Some of you might be interested in working at the regional OCC processing center in Atlanta. I will be taking groups there on December 5 and 7. Please let me know if you are interested. (Space is limited.)
Most importantly, pray, Pray, PRAY for these children, for God’s great work, and for the entire process of getting the shoebox from your hand to the hand of that precious child. As you know, Samaritan’s Purse and OCC are headquartered in Boone, NC, which was hit hard by Hurricane Helene. Their staff has been busy ministering to individuals right around them while trying to continue with regular ministry schedules. Your prayers are much appreciated.
Thanking Jesus, who loves the little children of the world,
Judy Foster