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    Too Much Preaching

    06.13.19 | Worship | by John Jones

    Every aspect of a sermon is of great interest to me: proposition, structure, language, tone, illustration, delivery, even sermon length. Wesley confessed that he preached for three hours on at least one occasion. Jonathan Edwards preached more...

      Music Camp

      06.06.19 | Youth Ministry | by Jeremy Gaines

      Music Camp 176 campers, along with 70 teachers and helpers, have converged upon CPC’s campus this week, working together to prepare for a musical in one week’s time. Days have been filled with singing, drama, recess, crafts, Bible...

        Our Messy Brokenness

        05.16.19 | Discipleship | by Jake Bennett

        “Blessed be my rich Lord Jesus, who sendeth not away beggars from his house with a toom [empty] dish. He filleth the vessels of such as will come and seek. We might beg ourselves rich (if we were wise), if we could but hold out our withered...

        Every Man Needs A Posse

        04.02.16 | Men's Ministry | by John Hammond

        On Saturday, April 2, 2016 we were honored to have Sheriff Jim Hammond to speak at our Men's Breakfast. The topic of his talk was, “Every Man Needs a Posse”. Click the speaker icon to listen to his talk or you may also download it in MP3 format.


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