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Is "beautiful" a word that describes the church?
07.01.20 | Shepherding | by John Jones
It may be because the word seems inappropriate. It may be because the church seems blah. But the gospel does indeed make the church beautiful.
06.25.20 | Discipleship | by Eric Mullinax
In that lush, tropical southeast Asian valley …yet, a valley of dry bones…God had breathed men to life.
06.24.20 | Shepherding | by John Jones
What is so compelling about King Jesus is not that He rules and reigns, but that He notices you, and comes near to you.
06.18.20 | Shepherding | by Jeremiah Hill
Why is it that so many of us can’t seem to speak the same language, even though we’re all speaking English?
06.17.20 | Shepherding | by John Jones
To grow in grace is to understand, if nothing else, how important grace is to those who need growth (which is all of us).
06.11.20 | Shepherding | by John Jones
I suspect our age is not one for lamentation. We’re more suited to frivolity and anger. Lamentation is sorrow, made expressive, through the cross...
06.09.20 | Shepherding | by John Jones
Barnabas was nicknamed, Son of Encouragement, for a reason. By God’s grace he had the ability to encourage outsiders, to encourage the dubious, and even to encourage apparent lost-causes.
06.04.20 | News | by Jake Bennett
We are excited to gather together on June 14 in the sanctuary to worship the living God!!! We are working very hard to make the church facilities safe and secure...
06.04.20 | Shepherding | by Jake Bennett
At each stage of life, we find ourselves contemplating the will of God. Would it not be simply easier to have a field guide of God’s will to direct us?
05.30.20 | Pastor's Notes | by John Jones
There are very simple ways that we experience the catholicity of the church.