It may be premature, even anti-spiritual to some, to be looking ahead to the New Year when the season of Advent has just started. You may ask, “Why speed up time? Settle down. Relax.” In the words of Polish poet, Wislawa Szymborska, “haste is...
One of my very favorite preachers, Dr. Liam Goligher of Tenth Presbyterian (PCA) in Philadelphia, recently shared an article written by Dr. Craig Carter of Tyndale University, Toronto. I mentioned this article in my Midweek class, “Listening to sermons, skillfully,” as we were...
A special thanks to all who were able to attend our Annual Congregational Meeting on Sunday, December 1. Thank you, members, regular attendees, and curious visitors, for staying. For those unable to attend, you missed not only our meeting, but also a fun time of eating and...
Dr. Han Madueme, Assoc. Professor of Theological Studies at Covenant College, delivered an excellent chapel talk on Nov. 18. Don’t be misled by his title: “Casting out Demons at Covenant College: or something close enough...” His approach to the subject is a beautiful picture...
We are moving forward to make our vision a vibrant part of who we are as a congregation. For more than 30 years we have pursued a biblical vision while, at the same time, cultivating a sub-identity as a unique congregation in Chattanooga.
Every Christian church is connected in a...
Isn’t it strange to contemplate that your personal mission in life is actually not your personal mission in life?
What is a personal mission? It can be very helpful for us to make our way through life with a sense of objective, setting goals, making lists, working hard, finishing...
Alexander Whyte was the great expositional preacher of St. George’s church, and a professor at New College, in Edinburgh during the early 20th century. One of his contemporaries described him in the following way: “While others might defend...
One wonders if the cutting-edge church of late-nineteenth-century Scotland could compete with the American church of today. In light of cultural change at 10,000 mbps, could the kilt-wearing Scottish kirk keep up? Sunday morning worship services led by Thomson...
The phrase from the Apostles’ Creed, “He descended into hell,” tends to generate a lot of questions. Part of the confusion stems from the fact that the phrase is shocking. The picture of Jesus walking about in a fiery chasm deep beneath the earth’s surface is almost...
“The good news for the members of the graduating class who plan to enter the ordained ministry is that you don’t have to invent your own Gospel. All of the church hopes you will be imaginative and resourceful. It doesn’t expect you to be original. Actually, it rather...