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    General Assembly Is Almost Here

    06.10.21 | Shepherding | by Jake Bennett

    This year, Pastor Jones and I will be participating in General Assembly. I am sharing this with you to encourage you in three ways. Please pray. Please pray for our meeting. As the author of Hebrews 13 writes, the elders of our denomination need...

      News of the New

      05.27.21 | Shepherding | by John Jones

      Greeting the new with welcoming arms is not for everyone. Ours is an era similar to the Athens that greeted Paul, a city of “nothing except telling or hearing something new.” (Acts 17.21) Here is the clarion call of every technology company today...

        Summer Reading

        05.25.21 | Coffee Stained Notebook | by John Jones

          In the vein of summer reading, folks at The Imaginative Conservative have published the first summer reading list I’ve seen thus far. Well, for adults. Why are summer...

          A Dickensian Take on Sociology

          05.21.21 | Coffee Stained Notebook | by John Jones

          Humans are not defined by scientists, and human relationships are not merely social transactions. This is truncated humanity ... There is more going on, which is why God’s revealed-will in Scripture is the key to knowing what it means to be a...

            The Father is Well Pleased

            05.20.21 | Discipleship | by Kent Brown

            Within the American protestant Church most denominations are silent on Pentecost and have yielded the day to the Charismatics. As a result, definitions and descriptions of the day and its meaning are dominated by the Charismatics and these have...

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