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Grouped by: John Jones

    Wine in Personal Experience

    11.04.21 | Shepherding | by John Jones

    For several months the elders on the Worship Committee have been discussing the addition of wine to our ordinary celebration of the Lord’s Table. The session (our board of elders)...

      Wine in the History of the Church

      11.03.21 | Shepherding | by John Jones

      It is very challenging to reflect upon the role wine may or may not have in Christian worship...Our question is practical: how was wine been used in the life of the Christian church beyond the New Testament era to the present?

        Wine In the Story of Redemption

        11.02.21 | Shepherding | by John Jones

        Sometimes it’s difficult to separate details central to the Bible’s story of redemption from details less central. The Bible’s teaching on God, humankind, and Jesus, are critical...

          Introducing Wine

          10.14.21 | Shepherding | by John Jones

          For several months, our church’s Worship Committee and Session (board of elders) have been discussing the addition of wine to our ordinary celebration of the Lord’s Table...

            The Imposition of Change

            09.02.21 | Shepherding | by John Jones

            Last week (Saturday, in fact) change was imposed upon my family. My eldest has been working from home for the past two months. As I head to my office, he sits down in front of two or three monitors, talking heads appear...

              Being the Bad Guy

              07.22.21 | Coffee Stained Notebook | by John Jones

              I agree that Christians in the West need to make a shift from doing gospel ministry in which others are favorably or neutrally disposed to the church, to a setting in which others are negatively disposed towards the church.

                Setting Up Chairs

                07.15.21 | Shepherding | by John Jones

                Having spent a decade of pastoring a church in a rented building, setting up chairs (in a suit) is an emotional experience that will always be deep in my heart. ... As everyone knows, the chairs must be set up.

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