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    Peaks and Valleys

    04.19.22 | Shepherding | by John Jones

    We need not be Christians for very long before we are able to look back at the various stages of our spiritual development and see peaks and valleys...

      Jonny Gibson on Worship

      04.08.22 | Coffee Stained Notebook | by John Jones

      In November 2019 at Liberty Church (PCA) in Owings Mills, PA, Jonny Gibson delivered three talks on worship. Each of these are wonderfully clear and succinct talks that summarize some very dense subject matter. 

        New Missionaries

        03.29.22 | Shepherding | by Dan Steere

        Thank the Lord with me for the generous way that we support missions and missionaries! This has always been one of the defining characteristics of this church...

          The Intergenerational Church

          03.25.22 | Coffee Stained Notebook | by John Jones

            A few months ago, the former president of Covenant Theological Seminary, and now the Stated Clerk of our denomination (PCA), gave a talk at First Presbyterian Church in Augusta, Georgia. His talk was titled, "The Intergenerational...

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