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    Refreshed and Refocused

    03.22.22 | Discipleship | by Ryan Hamilton

    One of the things that has stood out to me recently in my personal Bible reading plan is Jesus’ frequent practice of getting away from the hustle and bustle of his daily life...

      Reflecting on Easter

      03.15.22 | Shepherding | by John Jones

      Always one to plan a few months into the future, my head and heart are deep in the Easter season. Not only have I been focused on the death and resurrection of Jesus ... but I have also been reflecting on his death and resurrection ...

        Personnel Update

        03.08.22 | News | by Jake Bennett

        I have always found this passage to be a beautiful promise that the Apostle Paul recognizes about the Lord. In these verses from Ephesians...

          Join Our Ministry to Women

          03.01.22 | Discipleship | by Dory George

          Did you know, ladies, that we are growing? Since the beginning of 2020, God has brought sixteen new women to our membership, along with many others who attend regularly. Whether you are new to CPC or are looking to reconnect...

            The Lord Goes Before His People

            02.22.22 | Shepherding | by Jake Bennett

            A few years ago, I had the privilege of traveling on a 14-day trip through Israel. For those of you who have had similar travels, you likely know the experience of seeing the ancient walls of the temple...

              Waiting with the End in Mind

              02.15.22 | Discipleship | by Ryan Hamilton

              One of my biggest struggles as a parent has been teaching my children to be patient. I have three wonderful boys - eight, four, and two years old - and patience is one fruit of the Spirit that has been in short supply in my house lately.

                Iron Sharpens Iron

                02.08.22 | Discipleship | by Jay Fowler

                In his book Got Your Back, Dr. Gary Yagel states, “Research reveals that 19 out of 20 Christian men have no best friend, no one helping them fight their spiritual battles, much less a brother who has their back.”

                  Stir Up One Another

                  02.01.22 | Shepherding | by Jake Bennett

                  A few months ago I was talking with a couple about the joys and struggles of parenting. As we shared stories of our children, we began sharing our hopes and dreams for our kids.


                    01.25.22 | Discipleship | by Jeremy Gaines

                    I come from a mixtape generation. I was blessed with parents who gave me a radio/cassette player when I was 10 years old. I would be in my room for hours listening to what I could find on the limited number of radio stations...

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