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    God Knows

    11.19.20 | Shepherding | by Eric Mullinax

    Following Christ requires independent and courageous thinking and acting. The choice often leads us to go against the flow, to stand opposing, to resist the wisdom of the crowd.

      THE Gardener

      11.12.20 | Shepherding | by Eric Mullinax

      Such a reading of the world’s creation and thoughts of the Master gardener tending to me, stirred a response similar to David’s … “when I survey this vast world, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars and all that you have established...

        Election 2020

        11.05.20 | Discipleship | by Jeremiah Hill

        It is good to care about the outcome of our elections. Better still to vote and let your voice be heard...but let us remember our hope is not in the President, or in Congress, or in the Supreme Court...

          Two Big Changes Coming For Our Advent Season

          10.22.20 | News | by John Jones

          The Season of Advent is always a special marker of two truths so easily neglected or easily buried underneath ordinary life: Jesus has come, and Jesus will come again! Unique for this Advent season, we will be introducing two new changes on...


            09.24.20 | Shepherding | by Eric Mullinax

            The vast and daunting world of words is met with this thought. God is still the Giver of words and wisdom.

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