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    07.30.20 | Discipleship | by Eric Mullinax

    The importance of remembering is a theme carried throughout all of Scripture. It is not about static facts or rules or figures, but the mystery of a place, the significance of a person, the marking of lives.

      Non-Photo Blue

      07.23.20 | Discipleship | by John Jones

      For many years I have been convinced that the non-photo (or non-repro) pencil is a modern miracle of the industrial complex...It looks like an ordinary light-blue pencil, but it is not an ordinary light-blue pencil.

        Collaborative Creativity

        07.16.20 | Pastoral Care | by Eric Mullinax

        "...initial words of Scripture boldly proclaim we are not lost and wandering in a cosmic circle of time and chance, isolated from any meaning. There is One Who stood at the foundation of the world, Who with wisdom, majesty, power, and...

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