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    Rhetoric at the Pulpit

    02.25.21 | Coffee Stained Notebook | by John Jones

    Aristotle calls rhetoric the “available means of persuasion.” Is persuasion at the pulpit an appropriate goal for the preacher? Perhaps persuasion conflicts with 1 Corinthians 2.1-5?   “And I, when...

      Lent Reflections

      02.24.21 | Discipleship | by Adam Sanders

      You may have recently noticed your social media feeds full of people hash-tagging their Lent participation this past week – what they are fasting from, receiving ashes on Ash Wednesday, joking about giving up talking to their mother-in-law...

        Lent: Dried Out in the Wilderness

        02.18.21 | Shepherding | by Jake Bennett

        Yesterday was Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the 40-day season known as Lent. Growing up in the church, this seemed like a foreign holiday; I didn’t understand it. My childhood church did not recognize it, and the only ones who observed it...

          Peace for the City

          02.16.21 | Coffee Stained Notebook | by John Jones

          Philip Graham Ryken, by his own admission, is not a biblical scholar. He was invited, though, to speak on the podcast, Exegetically Speaking, on the topic of The Welfare of the City. The talk is very short...


            02.12.21 | Coffee Stained Notebook | by John Jones

            I have not read Jennie Pollock’s book, Only If: Finding Contentment in the Face of Lack and Longing. Ben Virgo over at Christian Heritage London conducts this wonderful interview with...

              Super Bowl Ads

              02.11.21 | Shepherding | by Eric Mullinax

              Why are companies willing to fork out so much money on marketing? Well, there appears to be good reasons! ... Millenia before Madison Avenue marketers were persuading customers to judge by image, wrapping, and covers, we were already judging by...

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