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    Everyday Introductions

    07.11.19 | Discipleship | by John Jones

      “The good news for the members of the graduating class who plan to enter the ordained ministry is that you don’t have to invent your own Gospel. All of the church hopes you will be imaginative and resourceful. It doesn’t...

      The Centrality of Africa

      06.28.19 | Missions & Outreach | by Dan Steere

      The Centrality of Africa We Americans tend to take a Western view of the history of the Church. And, as Reformed believers, our focus on the Reformation can cause us to view all of Church History through that lens. However, we need to remember...

        In Him, In Him, In Him

        06.20.19 | Discipleship | by Eric Mullinax

        Over the past weekend, I joined a large television audience to watch the USGA golf championship taking place in Carmel, California. There was much to admire in the telecast. The course, itself, is stunningly beautiful as it stretches along cliffs...

          Too Much Preaching

          06.13.19 | Worship | by John Jones

          Every aspect of a sermon is of great interest to me: proposition, structure, language, tone, illustration, delivery, even sermon length. Wesley confessed that he preached for three hours on at least one occasion. Jonathan Edwards preached more...

            Music Camp

            06.06.19 | Youth Ministry | by Jeremy Gaines

            Music Camp 176 campers, along with 70 teachers and helpers, have converged upon CPC’s campus this week, working together to prepare for a musical in one week’s time. Days have been filled with singing, drama, recess, crafts, Bible...

              Our Messy Brokenness

              05.16.19 | Discipleship | by Jake Bennett

              “Blessed be my rich Lord Jesus, who sendeth not away beggars from his house with a toom [empty] dish. He filleth the vessels of such as will come and seek. We might beg ourselves rich (if we were wise), if we could but hold out our withered...

              Every Man Needs A Posse

              04.02.16 | Men's Ministry | by John Hammond

              On Saturday, April 2, 2016 we were honored to have Sheriff Jim Hammond to speak at our Men's Breakfast. The topic of his talk was, “Every Man Needs a Posse”. Click the speaker icon to listen to his talk or you may also download it in MP3 format.


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