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    Christ Holds No Empty Titles

    01.30.24 | Discipleship | by Phil Wade

    The book of Hebrews begins with several descriptive titles for our Lord Jesus Christ. If any of these can be considered charges, they are charges to us to understand the man Jesus of Nazareth in these ways. In Hebrews 1.2–4 the author attributes...

      Encouragement for a New Year

      01.16.24 | Discipleship | by Justin Martin

      New Year’s Day is one of my favorite holidays, perhaps second only to Christmas. There is something invigorating (and I would argue Christian) about celebrating the turning of a new year. With a new year, there is a sense of newness, of things...

        Already and Not Yet

        12.19.23 | Shepherding | by Jake Bennett

         Have you ever noticed that there is tension in the Advent season? Sure, there is tension because the “most wonderful time of the year” can be the busiest and most stressful time of year, but there’s another kind of tension.

          In Defense of a Church Year

          12.12.23 | Discipleship | by Travis Hutchinson

          After coming to living faith in Christ and then leaving the Catholic church, my religious vocabulary simplified....While the Bible doesn't give Christians a calendar to live by, it certainly condemns requiring the Jewish calendar as an obligation...

            The Dawn of Christmas

            12.05.23 | Shepherding | by Bill Massey

            Very appropriately, we call Christmas the “season of light.” This title recalls how the Old Testament heralded our Savior’s coming as a light of hope dawning in the darkness of sin and death...

              God's Gift of Participation

              11.14.23 | Discipleship | by David Gernhard

              Dr. Pepper used Queen’s song “I Want It All” in an advertising campaign to sell soda. The song celebrates discontentment and describes what modern economists call the engine of our economy - the consumer...

                New Book Resources

                11.07.23 | News | by Jonathan Calloway

                Every two years or so, Ligonier Ministries produces a survey of Christians and their sentiments regarding the church, the Bible, and doctrine. One of the most lamentable observations of this survey is the fact that most Christians have not really...

                  Being Reformed

                  10.31.23 | Discipleship | by Bill Higgins

                  R. C. Sproul looked across the platform during a conference where he and several others were speaking, and asked Alistair Begg, “How would you explain what being “reformed” means?” Alistair’s answer...

                    The Ministry of Shoeboxes

                    10.24.23 | Missions & Outreach | by Michelle Miller

                    Greetings from the Operation Christmas Child Committee! It is that time of year again when we join our efforts to pack shoeboxes to send to boys and girls who may never have received a Christmas gift or heard about the most precious gift, our...

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