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Grouped by: Shepherding

    New Missionaries

    03.29.22 | Shepherding | by Dan Steere

    Thank the Lord with me for the generous way that we support missions and missionaries! This has always been one of the defining characteristics of this church...

      Reflecting on Easter

      03.15.22 | Shepherding | by John Jones

      Always one to plan a few months into the future, my head and heart are deep in the Easter season. Not only have I been focused on the death and resurrection of Jesus ... but I have also been reflecting on his death and resurrection ...

        The Lord Goes Before His People

        02.22.22 | Shepherding | by Jake Bennett

        A few years ago, I had the privilege of traveling on a 14-day trip through Israel. For those of you who have had similar travels, you likely know the experience of seeing the ancient walls of the temple...

          Stir Up One Another

          02.01.22 | Shepherding | by Jake Bennett

          A few months ago I was talking with a couple about the joys and struggles of parenting. As we shared stories of our children, we began sharing our hopes and dreams for our kids.

            Advent 2021

            12.09.21 | Shepherding | by Jake Bennett

            Where has the year 2021 gone? It is hard to believe that we are now in the second week of Advent! For me, the Christmas season seems strange culturally.

              Our Mission's Strategy

              12.02.21 | Shepherding | by Dan Steere

              We are all increasingly aware of both the opportunities and challenges of living in a global economy. Ease of travel, computer technology, and the availability of the internet have redefined much of what “overseas” means.

                Wine in Personal Experience

                11.04.21 | Shepherding | by John Jones

                For several months the elders on the Worship Committee have been discussing the addition of wine to our ordinary celebration of the Lord’s Table. The session (our board of elders)...

                  Wine in the History of the Church

                  11.03.21 | Shepherding | by John Jones

                  It is very challenging to reflect upon the role wine may or may not have in Christian worship...Our question is practical: how was wine been used in the life of the Christian church beyond the New Testament era to the present?


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