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Grouped by: Shepherding

    THE Gardener

    11.12.20 | Shepherding | by Eric Mullinax

    Such a reading of the world’s creation and thoughts of the Master gardener tending to me, stirred a response similar to David’s … “when I survey this vast world, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars and all that you have established...


      09.24.20 | Shepherding | by Eric Mullinax

      The vast and daunting world of words is met with this thought. God is still the Giver of words and wisdom.

        Practice of Secrecy

        09.03.20 | Shepherding | by Eric Mullinax

        Perhaps this practice of secrecy is why Jesus urged many who he healed not to reveal his identity. Perhaps this practice of secrecy is why Jesus avoided the crowds and would often go off to lonely places to pray.

          Flip-Flop In Antioch

          08.20.20 | Shepherding | by John Jones

          When Peter was in Antioch, even though he loved the gospel, he separated himself from followers of Jesus who didn't have the decency to be born from the womb of a Jewish woman.

            Growing Older

            08.13.20 | Shepherding | by Render Caines

            Unless the Lord has specific plans for us, we will all grow older. Every morning, I look into my bathroom mirror and try to figure out who the old man is staring back at me.

              God's Love

              08.06.20 | Shepherding | by Dan Steere

              The Bible teaches very clearly that God’s love for us doesn’t spare us the difficult times of life. However, even with all this chaos and uncertainty, we can be sure that God is still in control and His purposes for our good are still on track.


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