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    04.07.20 | Discipleship | by John Jones

    I’m going to ask you to do something that you are probably already doing … are you spending time reflecting during this unique season?


      04.06.20 | Pastoral Care | by John Jones

      I think of all the changes that have happened in your life and in the life of this church over the past couple of weeks and it’s really quite staggering … why are we doing what we’re doing right now as a church family?

        Martin Rinkart--The Thankful Pastor

        04.02.20 | Discipleship | by Jake Bennett

        As Pastor John wrote two weeks ago, “we are in unusual times.”  At least they appear unusual to us in our modern world of health care, vaccines, and internet. We are connected around the world in ways we have never been before...

          Finding Good Sermons

          04.01.20 | Pastor's Notes | by John Jones

          I love sermons, learn a lot from sermons, and enjoy citing other preacher’s sermons in my own sermons. ... I am often asked about my favorite preachers. Below are some of those ministers.


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